2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumKellyanne Conway to Trump critics: Be careful what you say
That didn't take long. Not even a week has passed, and the president elect's team is already warning Trump critics to be "careful" about the way they criticize Trump. (Freedom does not include criticizing President Trump.)
Donald Trump's minions seem to be confused about this, so let's fill them in on something they're going to need to know going forward: The President of the United States has the least legal protection against criticism or libel of anyone in the country. As the ultimate public figure, courts are obliged to grant public citizens wide leeway. This is why, for example, elected public officials, private citizens, and the Fox News channel have been repeatedly able to peddle 100% false information about Barack Obama for a decade with absolutely no repercussions.
To demonstrate how this works, I could, for example, say something like "President Donald Trump is a small-penised sex-obsessed pervert who stands accused of raping a 13 year old girl and who, given his temperament, has in all likelihood sexually abused at least one of his own children. He is mentally unstable and among the dumbest individuals ever to hold any public office anywhere, is quite probably colluding with Russia to undermine American interests, and spends his evenings aggressively masturbating to National Geographic footage of burrowing meerkats. His sole aim in acquiring the presidency is to convert the Lincoln Bedroom into a Rape Room, and he will sell an American nuclear weapon to ISIS for fifteen dollars and change if he thinks he'd make two dollars worth of profit on it."
Welcome to the big leagues, President Summer Squash. You're going to have quite the adventure from here on in.

(108,143 posts)
(21,044 posts)against accusations of libel. Besides, he's not my president.
(122,504 posts)busterbrown
(8,515 posts)Thanks.. that helped a lot..
(1,430 posts)Ilsa
(62,555 posts)something to the effect of "People need to be careful what they say."
Or what, Ari? We didn't hold back on DU.
Mc Mike
(9,192 posts)Mebbe Fitz Conaway is the one who wrote Melania's convention speech.
(31,273 posts)Is that careful enough for you?
(18,318 posts)BumRushDaShow
(148,079 posts)
(2,479 posts)That was my sentiment, a big Fuck You, KAC.
LOL...KAC KAC KAC..... reminds me of the movie Mars Attacks and how the aliens spoke...like pterodactyls screeching.
(24,820 posts)Vinca
(51,675 posts)He is so thin skinned even the slightest negative remark sends his little fingers to the twitter machine. I can't imagine how he reacts to things like one of the pictures I saw today of Trump as a pig being ridden by Pootie. LOL. The only way to survive the next 4 years is to laugh at him 24/7 and make sure he knows it.
(11,843 posts)He likes soft little squishy things, because he has extensive experience with soft little squishy things.
(12,445 posts)
(73,758 posts)Jacob Boehme
(789 posts)keithbvadu2
(40,915 posts)Ilsa
(62,555 posts)cig break. I can see one hanging out of the corner of her mouth while she piles on about truck drivers tipping her poorly or something.
(4,453 posts)
(10,944 posts)made glorious summer by this Squash of New York"
I get more of a winter squash vibe, what with the orangeness and roundness and all that. But I'll stick with referring to him as the soon-to-be Minority President Who Lost By 3 Million Votes
not fooled
(6,168 posts)"Vulgar talking yam"
That one's courtesy of the great Charlie Pierce. Not a squash but most definitely an orange vegetable.
(959 posts)I think I'm in love
(162,218 posts)PILE IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(9,090 posts)i suggest giving rw radio the major share of the media blame, over fox. obama mentions it once in a while but generally the left ignores it.
for thirty years republicans have been able to use 1000 radio stations to attack and push the media to the right - and it was successful for intimidating and enabling the media largely because it has been ignored. limbaugh and sons need to be given credit for giving us trump
talk radio is the weapon trump will use. he is the talk radio president.
the left/liberals/dems and media observers mistakenly blame fox for the alternate reality but it's not giving the most effective rw propaganda operation enough attention.
there are a number of advantages rw radio has over fox
-liberals and media critics keep an eye on fox -fox can't do the unchallenged repetition of lies and distortions and attacks
-their hacks can't go as far as rw radio does with lies and attacks
-fox has to pretend to be fair and balanced and once in a while has a dissenting opinion (even if mild)
-fox hacks have to look into the camera to lie -there are free easy 'alternatives' to fox a click away
vs talk radio:
-talk radio has a larger audience
-in most parts of the US, especially those 40 or so red states with 80 senators, there are no free easy alternatives for politics while driving or working
-rw radio can be and is easily coordinated on the local level by GOP and it's think tanks
-rw radio talkers can hide behind call screeners and get away with calling bernie a "commie jew" and "if he was a teacher" he'd be screwing students (michael savage), or "obama's head needs to roll" - (limbaugh 600 stations)
- rw talkers don't have to look into cameras to lie
- rw talk radio talkers can lie repeatedly even after being corrected- they are much more impervious to challenge and to facts - hundreds of them can regularly repeat the same lies, sometimes for years, without correction or challenge - and they reinforce each other - limbaugh is reinforced by hannity and savate, etc., plus hundreds of other wannabes, all over the country on 1200 stations- if all those people can say the same thing over and over and never be corrected, why wouldn't it be true?
- there is no written record of what they're saying to study the patterns of repetition across the country- even on the local level the local dem candidate (or issues) can be attacked/ lied about/distorted and local dems have no clue until it shows up in letters to the editor as 'fact' or a serious issue
- media matters may do some national monitoring of national talkers for 'outragious' talk, but that's about it. stoprush etc. have been the only significant actions to counter RW talk radio but they were limited mostly to limbaugh, and unfortunately were criticized by the left (or trolls), while doing the most significant activism the last 30 years - directly challenging the leader of the right's most important weapon. unfortunately the left dropped the ball and didn't expand on it, and now we have trump.
-there may be a handful of liberals that monitor rw talk radio and write about it
rw radio gets a free speech free ride and that is why we have fox. fox is the visual icing on talk radio's lie turd pie. talk radio's stupid little brother.
(2,382 posts)... for the existence of Right-Wingnut radio. "Jellybean" Reagan's abolition of the Fairness Doctrine in broadcasting opened the sewer floodgates to allow Pox News, Breitfart, and all the rest of the pantheon of pathological liars to pollute the airwaves.
Those from the shallow end of the gene pool no longer had to sound out the headlines of supermarket tabloids to stay ill-informed; they had only to sit in front of the idiot box to be spoon-fed lies, slander, and moronic conspiracy theories, like the war on Christmas.
It sickens me that these mental defectives are not only allowed to vote, but actively encouraged to breed indiscriminately.
Crunchy Frog
(27,413 posts)That allows Clear Channel to own thousands of stations accross the country, as opposed to the only 40 it was allowed to own previously. What a fucking catastrophe.
This country has the most heavily and successfully propagandized population in the world (or at least a large subset of the population). The North Koreans are rank amateurs in comparison.
(2,382 posts)certainot
(9,090 posts)fox and media deregulation came along almost ten years later, after ten years of yelling "liberal media" needs deregulation so competition will drive prices down etc.
and how much more of a monopoly is having guys like limbaugh and hannity on 500 stations and a few hundred more on 1200 stations saying the exact same thing?
it is actually the only real media monopoly - at least the others allow some competition.....
(5,644 posts)
(5,276 posts)This is going to be a 4 year period like we have never seen. There has been talk around of a great unraveling, I would not rule that out.
So many people who voted for him will rue the day they did it.
(1,325 posts)Picture the orange shit-gibbon watching meerkats cavorting and there's absolute proof that evolution is false. Stoopid libtards!
Great rant UCedNdc!
Crunchy Frog
(27,413 posts)JudyM
(29,540 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,358 posts)has been extremely protective of the First Amendment. Even that old bastard "Fat Tony" Scalia was pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist (note that they said corporations are "people" who have the same free speech rights as individuals). Even very conservative judges know that messing with the First Amendment could backfire on them - speech is "free" for everybody or nobody. Judges don't like to overturn long-standing precedent, and they also don't like having their power as a coequal branch of government ignored.
(10,183 posts)Heres How Trumps New Campaign Manager Attacked Him As A Cable News Pundit
All of the context and details are at the link below;
Conway: Trump "Says He's For The Little Guy But He's Actually Built A Lot Of His Businesses On The Backs Of The Little Guy."
Conway: Trump Victims Include Victims Of Trump University, Victims Of Trump In Atlantic City.
Conway: I Would Like To See Trumps Tax Returns Be Transparent.
Conway Condemned Trump For Hurl[ing] Personal Insults And Using Vulgar Language That Was Unfortunate For Children.
Conway: Trump Can Whine And Complain By Saying The System Is Rigged, But Theres No Place In Politics For Accusing Folks Of Using Gestapo Tactics.
Conway Accused The Trump Campaign Of Becoming Too Cozy With The Establishment: Goodness, Youve Hired Paul Manafort.
Conway: Trump's False Accusations About The Cruz Campaign Show The Danger Of Just Saying Things That Aren't True."
Conway: Unlike Trump, Pro-Life Candidates Dont Need Four Or Five Times To Get It Right.
(11,841 posts)on both sides. Look at the stuff said about HRC & Obama in '08 by each other & their campaigns. Its all a game no matter which party youre in
if they 'disappear' someone, which to me wouldn't be stretch for these dangerous clowns, who will be the wiser? We are in for unprecedented actions being taken against U.S. citizens. Hell they already have given the free pass to anti-semites and racists, his brownshirts will show up on the streets, in large numbers, soon. The police? They will probably look the other way given their proclivity for that type of response to hate crimes and murders of unarmed AA and minorities of all persuasions outside the racist white male and female.
(11,841 posts)They're EXPERTS on intimidation & harrassment
(1,397 posts)I have written this letter and will put it in the mail this afternoon.
Kellyanne Conway
c/o Donald Trump
Trump Tower
721 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Dear Ms. Conway:
You are quoted on CNN as warning people who criticize Trump to be careful what we say.
Stick it up your ass.
I am 72 years old, 28 of those years were spent serving this nation as an Army infantry officer. I served multiple combat tours in Vietnam and have the medals and scars to prove it. My most serious wound gradually led to a minor disability, which led the Army to re-assign me from the Infantry to Military Intelligence. As a Special Forces officer I have served in some strange places doing strange missions.
I did not give up parts of my body and my health to be preached to by a halfwit campaign manager and her incompetent, ignorant, ADHD bully president-elect.
My name is (first name middle name last name). I reside at (address). My phone numbers are (home) and (cell). My email address is (email).
I have just reserved and set up a website on which I will track and publicize Trump's lies and bullshit. I'll activate the site on January 20.
What do you plan to do about it?
Meanwhile, you and the "new King" need to read the First Amendment. Read the Second Amendment, too.
(32,323 posts)The pathological liar will be keeping you VERY busy.
Good on you for telling Kellyanne where she could stick it!
My husband (a psychiatrist) was in the Air Force during Vietnam and spent many years of his career after he got out
treating veterans at the Sepulveda VA in the San Fernando Valley, CA. His bullshit detector is well honed and he believes Kellyanne's
boss is one sick puppy.
(21,065 posts)paleotn
(20,000 posts)are a scholar and a gentleman. Hats off to you!
(3,100 posts)That is a phenomenal letter. Well done and thank you for your service.
cornball 24
(1,529 posts)thinking. You, sir, are a true hero who embodies all that has made America great! I can only imagine what you feel when you hear these outrageous statements made by these ignorant, despicable beings who dare to challenge our rights as Americans.
(12,448 posts)with your new website addy.
EXCELLENT letter! It's unlikely she'll answer it; she doesn't have the guts or the class, but you make your point very well.
(60,019 posts)good letter.
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,798 posts)J_William_Ryan
(2,476 posts)Conservatives contempt for, and fear of, diversity, dissent, and free expression.
(62,555 posts)doesn't like? The law isn't on her side.
Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)QED
(3,114 posts)Sue people and drain their bank accounts fighting the charges, no matter how ridiculous they may be. He does that - drags out lawsuits with continuances, requests for information, etc. so that contractors he's stiffed give up and take a settlement for pennies on the dollar.
He'll do it, even though baseless. One cannot criticize The King.
(25,765 posts)violated the Logan Act and the Emolument Clause of the Constitution, so when you go around and threaten human beings that think your fascist republicans are just that, then they should go fuck themselves and the horse they road in on and yes I said he was a serial predator, look for yourself on this clip----------facts are facts, and for someone that toots the horn of morality, like the government should attack a woman's right to privacy, you really have a double standard and let's not forget your interview with Maddow:
I have complete disdain for you and for everyone that voted for this, treasonous, narcissistic, megalomaniac, fascists, authoritarian, fraud, scammer, pathological liar, bigot, racists, and also a con artist that stiffed moms and pops out of contract deals, again the fascists republican's and the supporters can go fuck themselves and the horse they road in on and I for one, I am not afraid, we are the new revolution

(43,308 posts)She is a snake in grass.
(25,765 posts)the same "guy" that funds Breibart and Steve Bannon, she supports a serial predator, anything that comes out of her mouth when someone asked her a question is that she side steps the question and tries to make the other person answer her questions, so that she can make and put the situation on her terms------------------she can go to hell
To you a big
(43,308 posts)HELL rejected her once, already.
(25,765 posts)https://theintercept.com/2016/08/23/trumps-new-billionaire-backer-also-funds-huge-stockpile-of-human-urine/
This a fascist and how other fascists get connected and make everyone's lives miserable......................
And then they have the enablers in the fascist government called the republican controlled congress .................

(18,318 posts)Maraya1969
(23,197 posts)of places you can say things that Kellyanne is trying to scare you into not saying. The only thing I suggest is don't give your real name, address or phone number
http://www.trump.com/connect-with-us/ The links are at this link
Facebook onald Trump | Ivanka Trump | Donald Trump Jr. | Eric Trump | Trump Hotels
Twitter onald Trump | Ivanka Trump | Donald Trump Jr. | Eric Trump | Trump Hotels
YouTube:Trump | Trump Hotels
Foursquare:Trump Hotels
Instagram onald Trump | Donald Trump Jr. | Eric Trump | Trump Golf | Trump International Realty
Pinterest:Ivanka Trump | Trump Hotels
Tumblr:Ivanka Trump | Trump Hotels
The Trump Organization:
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Richard D
(9,614 posts)I believed it all until the Meercat thing.
(82,333 posts)
(20,000 posts)you ignorant twit! Bit me!! Your boss is a conman and a slim ball and I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire. You know where to find me. Now do your worst!!
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)I am not about to be lectured by Cruella De Ville.
(205 posts)Now I guess we all have to do it. The shit hole and his evil minions are the lowest form of life. They are pure evil and the spawn of Satan. I would say he can't come for us all but never underestimate them. I'll go on record, I will stand up. What do I care, I'm an old man. All I have left is my child. There are a million old farts and we all got nothing to lose now. Spit in his eye. At every chance tell anyone who's listening they are all evil sick bastards. Stand on the street corner like the born again and shout. He's going to get some, for the rest, keep on screaming.
(8,619 posts)and say what I damned well please-you won't, and can't do a thing.
(22,240 posts)and Fuck Trump!
McCamy Taylor
(19,240 posts)is gonna be a sport in the next Olympics so we all gotta practice.
(14,505 posts)Orsino
(37,428 posts)And be careful how you tell him.
(12,518 posts)PatrickforO
(15,175 posts)If you criticize them, they retaliate.
We saw this in Germany in the 1920s and much more so in the 30s.
First you had the identifiable supporter 'uniforms,' which in the Nazis' case were brown shirts, military billed caps, and swastika arm bands.
Trumps are red caps that say 'make America great again.'
As an aside the slogan is nearly identical - Hitler assured his supporters he would make Germany great again.
Then, in Germany we had threats followed by the creation of a huge secret police/army apparatus at odds with the regular German Wehrmacht (formation of the SS into Gestapo, the Einsatzgruppen and Waffen groups).
After this was Krystallnicht, where they began overt terrorization of minority populations.
Then the eugenics programs killing the disabled.
Then the race laws.
Then the camps.
Finally, in 1942, Nazi leaders met at Wannsee near Berlin and came up with the 'final solution.'
At any time in this horrible period, you might wake up in the morning and see that your neighbor's house had been ransacked and your neighbor gone. Hitler called this policy of terror by night 'nacht und nebel' night and fog.
It doesn't surprise me. But it does appall me.