2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI Don't Understand WHy Trump Supporters Would be Offended at Being Called Bigots
they VOTED for Trump to be PRESIDENT . Trump attacked entire minority groups and women regularly. made it THE MAIN part of his campaign.
They were still able to vote for someone who attacked people like this.
so why such offense at people who see his supporters as bigots ? it's not like we are asking you to vote for us to be president or anything else.
it just makes no sense.
why are standards for who you want as President much different from private individuals posting on the internet ?
is it because of WHO is being attacked which makes the difference. that Trump attacked mainly minority groups and women was not as bad as saying something negative about trump supporters who are largely white ?

(24,820 posts)uppityperson
(115,915 posts)Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)dionysus
(26,467 posts)Being clever with their not too subtle dogwhistles, but call em out and they'll squeel like pigs... i'll.. i can't use the word respect, or anything remotely positive... so i guess i'll say a bonus point when they at least have the stones to admit what they are.
My brother is obe of em.. hispanics are wetbacks, blacks are "those people".. but he's the first obe to snovel "ahm sicka you libruls callin me a racist for having an opinion!"
(11,649 posts)syrian muslims. "some of those men look suspicious". why? because their skin is a little darker than yours.
Lint Head
(15,064 posts)Alice11111
(5,730 posts)Repubs are much better at PR monikers, like Right to Life, which is often , no choice but for both mom and fetus to die. Access Hollywood, what does that mean to people? Nada. We Dems keep screaming, but no one is listening...yep, some elitism. That's why trump won, he listened to the pulse, pathetic, but he brought IN his troops, bigoted, greedy, poor, whatever... even though we Dems had more people. Many were alienated, and the elites in charge, by and large, did not want to hear.This is a Personal experience of mine and hundreds of others, including dems in the Rust Belt.
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)Behind the Aegis
(55,153 posts)It is fun to flip on the light and watch them scurry, even the bold ones.
(9,919 posts)My outrage at his victory through bigotry has been turned against me just as just about every boycott has been retaliated against. It's the Putin factor. And Trump is a Putin wannabe. Putin's own popularity at home hinges on bigotry and hatred/fear of the brown people. People in the rural areas of Russia hate Obama for taking on Putin and no doubt for being brown.
One person cheered on my claim that the new world order was Putin>Netanyahu>Trump.
I looked this up as a response.
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(Congratulations traitor) maybe fits even better than bigot.
(3,063 posts)I'm so done with people making excuse for Trump voters. I'm not buying the white working class argument. Trump's whole campaign was a Nazi's wet dream with brown people being rounded up and stripped of their rights.
(10,721 posts)The fact that were talking about the white working class, instead of just the working class, is a pretty big clue.
(10,721 posts)As I've writtten many times, if a portion of the *white* working class has different priorities or desires than the working class as a whole, one need not think too long and hard to determine why that might be.
Yet, somehow, in all the talk about the *white* working class specifically, that very obvious point is lost on people.
(14,249 posts)bettyellen
(47,209 posts)The MAJORITY of Dems. Some people don't like hearing they're not more important. They're used to being more important.
(44,064 posts)Amishman
(5,872 posts)I posted this in another thread but it goes better here.
It doesn't impact their life, they don't see its effects, to them it just doesn't matter. It was about as relevant to their election decision making process as the candidates favorite sports teams.
It is as distant to them as the near extinction of the Socorro Dove. Try to talk to them about it, and they will zone out just like we might when stuck with that cousin who will only talk about baseball. And even if you can get them to really listen, it still won't be real - because they didn't live it or see it. It just doesn't come into play in their decision making process.
Screaming that every Trump voter is a bigot just creates a sense that they are under attack for who they are. It is the first thing that makes racial/cultural hate real to them... And they feel they are the victim! Definitely counter productive.
This broad brush labelling of rural America and/or Trump voters is inherently divisive and deepens the divide. It also could easily turn off those who sat out the election. To have not voted this election means either the stakes were not high enough for that person to care or they were so repulsed by both sides that they could not support anyone. The former category is a lost cause; if this election won't motivate them, nothing will. The latter category won't be enticed by negativity and drama.