Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumRec If You Are Sick Of Our Pay To Play Corrupt Governemt Ran By The Oligarchs
For the first time I see thousands of people standing up to what they and I see as a completely corrupt government. I call it the gravy train.
Every single major piece of economic legislation benefits the "haves" and not working class, or poor Americans.
Don't even talk about the environment.
If you are one of the many standing up for real change, and want money out of politics please rec this OP.
I am extremely pleased by what I see, like the sheer numbers at the rallies in Seattle.
I think the oligarchs are starting to lose, and they won't be happy. They will also do "what is necessary" to hold onto their death grip on our government. It won't be pretty......

(36,594 posts)rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)people are waking up and speaking out against those that have looted the lower 99% for decades.
Seems to me that they want to ignore those living in poverty, those that will lose their lives in more wars for profits for the wealthy, those that will lose their social security and medicare, those without any health coverage.
They seem to ignore those among us struggling for jobs and face the heavy footed politicians that want to hold down wages. Clinton insults us with starting negotiations for min wage at a mere $12 per hour. Obama would have it at $10.
Well here is a message to the Clinton Class that would continue to loot our resources and pollute our environment, we will only take it so long before we kick your greedy fat asses out into the streets to fend for yourselves. We don't want violence and have seen that you are willing to beat, kick, pepper spray, and even kill those that dare don't knuckle under.
To the Clinton Class and their followers, Machiavelli warned against taking everything away and leaving nothing to lose, because the People will fight accordingly.
(3,544 posts)Not any more.
P.S. Refer to sig line.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)And if that isn't bad enough, they vote against the best interests of those needing help the most. They ignore those among us struggling, just to be a part of the Aristocracy.
See this> http://www.democraticunderground.com/127710250
(18,998 posts)It is infantile...the feeling that the powerful authority figure will take dare of you as long as you obey them.
You may never be one of the aristocracy but you can be one of their servants.
PS...love Eric Fromm.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)They will not defend fracking or the TPP, they know better, but they will attack those that are against them. Try to find a post that defends Cllinton's positions. Hard to find. On the other hand, this place is filled with well written posts supporting the positions of Sen Sanders.
(8,267 posts)in our perceptions of radical income inequity. I know, because I've been decrying this stultifying reality for over a decade and people no longer respond with sarcasm and derision.
We MUST have each others' backs!
Sanders for President!!!
Spitfire of ATJ
(32,723 posts)The Cold War is over. It's time to reexamine that policy.
Especially since Capitalism has come to mean something negative.
and note Bernie has never flinched in calling himself a socialist.
(2,941 posts)just as long as its a Democratic candidate we're good with that, unless you are Debiie Wasserman Shultz and then you are allowed to fuck over Democrats by campaigning for Republicans. But only her. She's entitled.
(1,894 posts)
(60,160 posts)Plucketeer
(12,882 posts)The money in our political system truly IS the overarching catalyst that sours every potential good thing WE have coming. The DO-NOTHING congress - President Two-Face - The corporate-licking nominee for the SCOTUS. ALL OF THOSE THINGS work AGAINST us - and it's dirty money that propels it all.
We can argue this policy or that inequity or that seemingly looney stance on a topic, but they're all tied to the infections caused by cash.
(44,239 posts)Vague talk of hope and change and being the change you want to see. .blah blah blah and then....BAM!
(18,791 posts)And agreed!
(5,178 posts)Billions in taxpayer subsidies every year direct to the pockets of Wall St shareholders. Owners, one and all, of the most environmentally destructive and politically corrupting industries that have and will most likely ever exist.
People who would never dream of clear cutting a forest or strip mining a mountain with their own hands but have no problem paying and profiting from others doing it for them.
The only way to start getting money out of politics is to keep ones own money out of politics.
(20,999 posts)...the Clinton's have been been the 1%er Employees of the Month FOR YEARS.
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)Even more so than equating money as a form of speech
(1,926 posts)It is the whole system that is corrupt from top to bottom.
Everyone goes to work to get paid.
Bill and Hillary are just the best at it.
I don't really blame them so much, as I blame us for tolerating a system where it is so easy to get paid for favors.
It is just way too easy to "take the money".
(41,553 posts)NOBODY has to take $250,000 to give a speech to Wall Street banksters. Even if it's "what they offered."
(44,239 posts)
(39,909 posts)but the Clintons are catching up fast, and have about as much reservation about taking dirty money as the Mafia.
SEE: Private Prisons and Mass Incarceration, disproportionately PoC.
(1,151 posts)And the one percent are no longer in full control.!but they are determined to hold on so it's going be rough and those pricks are going to cheat us again and again. What matters is are we going to take it? Or will we stand up and keep fighting? We have a new weapon, it's called the internet. Use it.
(1,926 posts)It's Class Genocide Now......
(5,276 posts)I am also so disenchanted at so called democrats who just cannot see what is and has been going on. Or share a lack of empathy with the crazy right wing.
Here is where we are: companies like WalMart where the owner amass 100s of millions or a billion or more while paying paltry salaries with paltry benefits. A blank check for the Military Industrial Complex that Ike strongly warned us about over 57 years ago in his farewell from the White House. Scared into a dumb war with Iraq that is costing us trillions, so many lives, and as we see now has unleashed multiple terrorist groups....the gift that keeps on giving.
People with cancer, or with children with cancer, having bake sales and charity events to help pay for it so some big CEO can buy a new pricy sports car or whatever....not only wrong but sick and twisted, for profit health care is beyond evil?
Hillary will be largely down with this program. She will have the Neo dems sleight of hand social liberalism.
Better than any of the remaining republicans yes but not by enough other than socially....and she will always have that scarlet yes on the stupid, stupid, so costly and counterproductive Iraq war.
(5,208 posts)for the oligarchs.
(44,239 posts)
(15,435 posts)country can NO LONGER EXIST! THEY fail to see or simply think that RULING will really work out just fine! In a Democracy this CAN NEVER WORK!
So, are we going to be a Democracy and stand up to them or are we going to keep letting people like Trump & Hillary takes us over the cliff???
I can only HOPE the people of this country DO FINALLY WAKE UP and STOP following a person simply because they THINK THEY CAN WIN! It's just that simple!
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)and friends are scrambling for those golden eggs while they can. Even Chelsea has amassed $15 million.
(15,435 posts)CAN'T wrap their heads around WHAT it means to elect ANOTHER Clinton!
I've joked at times and referred it to The Land Of The Walking Dead OR Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I know that sounds rough, but it would seem that people would WAKE UP by now! Instead we see that EVEN NOW with ALL we've lost and what America has had to face that a light bulb should have gone off for so many of us who WILL NEVER be able to imagine that kind of money!
I talk to people who aren't following politics like we do, many who DO see and will vote for Bernie, but they just say "things will be fine, don't worry." I have to scratch my head and think to myself, how is it with ALL we've seen that people are so complacent? They like Bernie and so many tell me they'll vote for him, but they just don't want to talk about "issues."
Maybe it's because I feel so deeply that I find this frustrating, but it leaves me feeling sad that actually DO SEE and KNOW we need something different, but they just aren't worried.
But, OTOH I am encouraged that MANY have FINALLY gotten mad enough to start fighting back.
(799 posts)The one to overturn Citizen's United where money equals free speech. And, just as importantly, one to remove personhood from corporations. The second would remove one of the tools that the oligarchs love to use.
(44,239 posts)Corporate corruption.
Feeling the Bern
(3,839 posts)Democrat. Camp Hair hat vs. Camp Weathervane.
No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the average American voters.
(186 posts)1%ers - here's your warning. Play fair - give back what you've taken - allow evetyone to have a voice. Do this willingly or it's only a matter of time before people with nothing to lose force it upon you. It WILL happen. It's only a matter of time.
And that doesn't mean I necessarily condone it. But it IS inevitable.
(8,592 posts)Looks like you're from Indy, cheers! Fellow Hoosier.
(186 posts)You are correct. Miss my hometown very much. Miss logic and fair play and equal opportunity for hardworking Americans even more.
(582 posts)who champion Clinton.
How will we EVER move forward if we continue to elect the sold out status Quo?
(1,779 posts)congress the things they want, but for 90% of people, their wishes are the same as noise -- that is, random.
Researchers Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) have found this to be the case, and please look to the following for leads to the truth: https://represent.us/action/theproblem-4/
L. Coyote
(51,134 posts)It won't be pretty for them though, agreed.
Guillotine Party
Founded in 2011
The Guillotine Party is a response to Christian extremists and their attempts at dissolving the federal government. Our mission is to dunk the tea baggers and thwart their hostile takeover of our government. The current political environment has become one where he who screams the loudest wins the day. The right has taken full advantage of this, employing every dirty trick in the book to mislead the American people.
But the pendulum is now set to swing to the left. Voices of reason must be heard over the infantile cries of the non-libertarian right. We have a Constitutional right to defend this nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Right now America is facing a threat from within that is far greater than any potential terrorist attack. The Guillotine Party is a call to defend our country against its domestic enemies.
Guillotine Party's Platform:
Tea Party's Prospective Cuts- Our party vehemently opposes the following cuts to essential programs for the general welfare:
- $11.2 billion in cuts for early childhood programs
- $8.9 billion in cuts for low-income housing programs
- $7.6 billion in nutritional aid for low-income children (WIC)
- $4.6 billion in cuts for teacher training and afterschool programs
- $4.1 billion in cuts for job training for unemployed workers
- $2.5 billion in cuts for energy bill assistance for the poor
- $2.5 billion in cuts for community health centers
- $2.0 billion in cuts for homeless assistance grants
- $420 million in cuts for legal assistance for the poor
- $317 million in cuts for Planned Parenthood
- All proposed cuts combined = $44 billion
Guillotine Party's Answer- We can cut the deficit by nearly double that amount by eliminating the following tax breaks for the rich:
- $11.5 billion, the per year cost of recent tax cuts for millionaires' estates
- $8.9 billion, mortgage interest deductions for vacation homes
- $6.7 billion, eliminate use of loopholes the rich use to avoid paying taxes
- $5.2 billion, removing limit on itemized deductions for the rich
- $4.1 billion, tax breaks for foreign operations of U.S. financial corps
- $2.5 billion, tax breaks for oil companies
- $4.9 billion, cost of extending alcohol fuel tax breaks
- $2.3 billion, tax loophole for hedge fund managers
- $312 million, cost of allowing companies to write off punative damages
- $303 million, cost of special tax breaks for the timber industry
- $42 billion, one year cost of extending the Bush tax cuts for top brackets
Religion- Absolute separation of church and state applies for both the free exercise clause and the establishment clause of the First Amendment. This means that everyone should be able to worship however they choose but the government cannot endorse one religion at the exclusion of another.
Abortion- Any governmentally imposed obstacle to a woman's ability at obtaining an abortion is a Constitutional violation of that woman's right to privacy.
Health Care- The U.S. currently ranks 36th in life expectancy. This fact is proof that our health care system is not working. We should have a single-payer system based on the Canadian model.
Workers' Rights- We support the Administration's strong enforcement of the NLRA and the strengthening of workers' right to unionize and collectively bargain.
Social Security- There should be absolutely no privatization of social security.
Gay and Lesbian Rights- We believe in equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation. DOMA acts are unconstitutional because they violate a person's fundamental right to marry whom they choose, without showing a furtherance of a compelling governmental interest.
Military- It is time to bring our troops home. Our government can no longer justify the $1.23 trillion that it has spent on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, let alone the loss of human life.
(1,926 posts)So many people had figured out our government was completely corrupt, and ran by oligarchs.
We need to get the money out.