Occupy Underground
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1: TERROR! Because RUSSIA! is so last millenium.
2. Rendition in Europe.
3. DHS are militarizing US police and sheriffs.
4. Yep. FISA is now active for five more years.
5. Standard procedure; depicted in Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11".
6. Spying on the Muslim community. NY's unConstitutional "Stop and Frisk". TSA acting on buses and trains.
7. Ask Dan Rather.
8. Throughout the Occupy camp raids, media were purposefully restricted. No media, no record of criminal police/state behavior.
9. Some very odd cheerleading in GD, not quite claiming the T word, but definite groupthink.
10. TERROR means we have to do things a little differently, doesn't it. Ask Bloomberg who said straight up that the Constitution has to be re-interpreted after the Boston bombing.
11. One upon which to keep a very sharp eye peeled.
Comment upon the Associated Press information raid by the US government and the state of Korporate media:

(14,656 posts)
We here at DU know this is going on. My question is how do
we awaken those who don't know? AND, if everyone 'knew',
what would we do about it? These questionsaren't pointed
at you. I just feel helpless.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)immunize themselves from dissent and the possibility of challenge.
(14,656 posts)I'm not for violence...I'm too old for that....and even if I
weren't I couldn't do it. So, there is the rub.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)Which of course, against politically-oriented groups on US soil, is domestic terrorism.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)the flow of information they way they used to. When they completed their plans to control the media they had not anticipated the Internet where Americans eg, can now access information from all over the world.
The reaction to OWS which used their OWN media, brilliantly knowing what would happen if the allowed the Corporate Media to control that story, demonstrates how frightened they are of information, facts, actual reporting on what is really going on, they are.
The crushing of Whistle Blowers also shows how frightened they are but their cruel crackdown on those who insist on spreading information, has only resulted in MORE information getting out. See Snowden who learned from the Whistle Blowers before him, to make sure he remained free in order to get the information on their criminal activities, massive spying etc, out.
It's great to see you again, Fire.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)when there are no Unions allowed, like Walmart eg. They pretty much immunized themselves, they thought from having to deal with their workers going on strike since they are threatened with being fired if they do. But that didn't stop them this time. I'm sure they are taking steps to try to prevent it happening again. They can't fire everyone so the more who join the better.
I would love to see a nationwide strike shutting down transportation etc every time Congress tries to pass some POS bill or takes away Unemployment benefits, or even considers something like the TPP.
They should be terrified each time they contemplate any of their shenanigans for the Corporations, that the people will shut down the country.
Other than that, I can't think of anything that would be really effective and get the attention of the American people.
(633 posts)Strangely silent.