Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumAround 5,000 protesters attempt to advance to Prime Minister Erdoğan's office
AJELive @AJELive
Around 5,000 protesters attempt to advance to Prime Minister #Erdoğan's office
http://aje.me/19AouEN #Turkey
OccupySantaFe @OccupySantaFe
#direnizmir Another view from Izmir, thousands of people are demonstrating against the repressive acts of the... http://fb.me/BqU4jeVZ
Adam @AdamInOakland
#CNN Turkish citizens want PM to resign http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/02/world/europe/turkey-protests/index.html?hpt=wo_c2
¤ProletarianDissent¤ @Anon4justice
Why aren't you watching the #livestream of #Turkey?? http://rt.com/on-air/turkey-protest-istanbul-park/
| #OccupyGezi #GeziStrong #OccupyTurkey #Anonymous #Occupy #OGEZ
Global Revolution @GlobalRevLive
RT @YourAnonNews: Calls for general strike in Turkey under hashtag #genelgrevedavet
via @nateschenkkan #occupygezi #TurkishSpring
OccupySantaFe @OccupySantaFe
Tumblr with collection of videos from Turkey: http://delilimvar.tumblr.com

(8,244 posts)You might have seen these if your following this on twitter
Here are a couple articles with some analysis and background about what's happening. These are kind of opinion/analysis pieces.
The Right to the City Movement and the Turkish Summer
This IS about a park
Apparently these people found a bulldozer or excavator
And maybe chased the police a bit with it
There's some stuff over here too->
Everybody probably knows these news sites:
RT & AJ both seem to have quite a bit of coverage
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)limpyhobbler
(8,244 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)not so brutally cracked down on them, this would probably be over by now. It was the same tactics by the NYPD with OWS that escalated the protests and got it world wide attention.
(4,734 posts)are directly proportional to their fear.
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)RT @RT_com 3m
Union of Turkish Doctors confirms the death of 22-year-old Abduallah Cömert in Antakya, Hatay,says BBC
Turkçe #OccupyGezi #Turkey