Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumIsn't it ironic?
The national and local DU "Anti-Social Justice Movement League" crew keeps telling us that Occupy must have a leader in order to be effective, yet they are the very same people who keep telling us that their favorite leader, President Obama, is essentially powerless to do anything constructive.
"Occupy must have a leader if they are to be taken seriously and get something done, but don't blame our leader Obama for anything, because this, that, or the other thing prevent him getting anything done!!11!! His hands are tied by:
A) Republicans
B) Third Way Democrats
C) Corporations
D) The Law
E) Protocol
F) The Constitution
G) The Supreme Court
H) All of the above, plus more.
So don't blame our leader if he can't get anything done, it's not his fault that he is completely powerless to do anything!!11!"
I'm just sayin'...anyone else see the irony here?

(15,472 posts)just a common agenda, which as far as I know was only enjoyed by Shrub and lied through his teeth to get it .
(19,326 posts)to be clearly identified as "leaders", so then it makes "their" job so much easier
to buy-off, threaten or otherwise coerce a whole "reform movement" into
irrelevance and invisibility. Leaders can and are targeted and destroyed, one
way or another, which is precisely WHY OWS refuses to play that game anymore.
The jig is up. Game Over.
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)libodem
(19,288 posts)Nice post.
(19,288 posts)Of when we had our local occupy:
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)levelled against the Occupy movement and 7400+ arrested in over a years' time.
Half-Century Man
(5,279 posts)An amorphous mass has no head. Kinda sorta "We are the Blob" thing.
(27,137 posts)

Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)In fact they are offering many solutions, that the PTB isn't interested in. Perhaps our elected officials should come up with a plan (like they are paid to do) instead of rehashing the last 30 years of failed economic theory and resultant environmental destruction.