Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumWell DU has become almost impossible
with the swarm, even on ignore.
So I have noticed something interesting. There are a LOT LESS original posts, with ORIGINAL analysis. I don't know if you all have noticed this.
Personally I have taken my analysis off site, to my own blog. As far as DU is concerned atta boy or very short posts is all that I am still in the mood of doing.
The difference between the crisis in 2008 and today is well, noticeable.
As far as Occupy and other systems of reform, I fear the final confrontation is near. Or as near as it has been since the American Civil War. The instability in DC is just palpable.
If you all want to follow analysis, well, Occupy SD Labor Committee Facebook page, and my facebook page has links to them. And that is all I will say.
I wish all luck, because as things get hard, worst case, using the web will become harder. Yes, we are in some ways there.
So good luck.

(21,115 posts)that we are in the "End of Days"?
I think you will be needing the luck...better save it for yourself.
(34,582 posts)while others think that, one day, the American worker is going to stop taking this shit and fight back, like during the labor movement. I personally think it will be my grandchildren's generation that will be fighting to get back what my grandparent's generation got for us.
(21,115 posts)You could also be wrong....
By the way....didn't take an armed revolution to get The New Deal.
(34,582 posts)since the late 70s, employers have been slowly taking back every gain the labor movement got for us. I have seen it for 40 years. Eventually we will have to fight them again.
On edit: since you bring up the new deal, name one democratic politician who has the backbone to fight for such a thing again. FDR would be tossed out of today's democratic party.
(21,115 posts)Just one?
How bout plenty:
Karen Bass
Xavier Becerra
Earl Blumenauer
Suzanne Bonamici
Corrine Brown
Michael Capuano
Andre Carson
Matt Cartwright
Donna Christensen
Yvette Clarke
Emanuel Cleaver
Steve Cohen
John Conyers
Elijah Cummings
Danny Davis
Peter DeFazio
Rosa DeLauro
Donna Edwards
Sam Farr
Chaka Fattah
Lois Frankel
Marcia Fudge
Alan Grayson
Luis Gutierrez
Janice Hahn
Rush Holt
Michael Honda
Steven Horsford
Jared Huffman
Sheila Jackson-Lee
Hakeem Jeffries
Eddie Bernice Johnson
Hank Johnson
Joe Kennedy III
John Lewis
David Loebsack
Alan Lowenthal
Ben Ray Lujan
Carolyn Maloney
Jim McDermott
James McGovern
George Miller
Gwen Moore
Jim Moran
Jerrold Nadler
Rick Nolan
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Frank Pallone
Ed Pastor
Chellie Pingree
Mark Pocan
Jared Polis
Charles Rangel
Lucille Roybal-Allard
Linda Sanchez
Jose Serrano
Louise Slaughter
Mark Takano
Bennie Thompson
John Tierney
Nydia Velazquez
Maxine Waters
Mel Watt
Peter Welch
Frederica Wilson
(19,326 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)
You guys are funny in ways that is very much like HS.
(6,057 posts)Buh-bye!
(154,021 posts)here to serve.
It is the loss of the site, not mine. As I said, beyond atta boy, or very short posts, not in the mood.
(6,057 posts)Just saying........
(154,021 posts)I just noticed that people are posting less original analysis, and it struck me as interesting.
Anyway, it is time to send you to ignore. Have a good life, I honestly wish you that, but I do not need to read you anymore.
Good bye
(6,057 posts)
(21,946 posts)nadinbrzezinski
(154,021 posts)but hey, it is what it is.
(564 posts)What's a swarm member?
(154,021 posts)VanillaRhapsody
(21,115 posts)telling us for the Gozillionth time that "both parties are exactly alike" and that MSNBC is the equivalent to Fox News...
How many times are we supposed to listen to that?
(10,622 posts)What is with you anyway, why all the bitter nasty posts in this thread, are you trying to bait people or something?
Please, just tell me, what exactly is your agenda because you are completely hijacking this thread looking to start shit for what at face value appears to be no valid reason whatsoever.
(21,115 posts)its very childish.....
"I don't like the atmosphere here....too many people do not think me and my posts are the shiznit! This place will suffer without me I tell you....buncha Meanies"
(10,622 posts)In fact, your spamming and attempts to insult, deride, reinterpret, call out as lies actual truth (like the poster being a journalist that has posted articles here is lying about being a journalist) is closer to trolling than anything else.
It is at the very least an attempt to flame simply because you like flames.
Grow up and stop acting like a child, we really don't need you starting shit here and implying you are the arbiter of what others should post, you do not own this site and you do not administer it, frankly those that do have never acted like you and have not shown up here as you are, spamming the OP of a person that can't even see your posts just to throw a juvenile hissyfit of insulting innuendo.
Time was, back in the day, shit starters like you were tomb stoned within a week.
cui bono
(19,926 posts)You really could use some time away from the kb. If you dislike the person who posted this OP so much why don't you just put her on ignore? Spamming the thread with insults and accusations is... well you can see for yourself.
Response to nadinbrzezinski (Reply #4)
Post removed
(10,622 posts)

Don't get me wrong, I like the laughs, but would rather have the substance of Nadin than the comedy your grade school posts provide.
Good thing I know other places to find her work as she has provided the information needed to find it.
(21,115 posts)so I guess if your tastes include bullshit...I can understand.
(10,622 posts)
(21,115 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)VanillaRhapsody
(21,115 posts)her? You believe everything everyone tells you on the Internet?
(71,265 posts)honest. Remember that ignore is your friend. She can not ever see what you are saying. Let it go.
(21,115 posts)'cause she told you so? Oh my god...
In that case I am really a rich Baroness!
(71,265 posts)if she were lying. We all know who she is. She is a local reporter in SD, CA.
I do not understand why you making a big thing of this. The ignore button is your friend so use it if you dislike her so much.
(21,115 posts)For people that hate the Obama fans....you sure do easily get all fanboy over some apparent woman on the internet who tells you she is a journalist...and you just believe as if no one could possibly lie about who they are on the Internet....that NEVER happens....
Have you been paid by that Nigerian Prince yet?
(71,265 posts)Jim Lane
(11,175 posts)It was 3-3. I was the only "Leave it alone" juror who commented, and as you can see I almost went the other way.
As I understand it, the author of an alerted post sees the jury results only if the post is hidden. In this instance, I hope you will consider what jurors on both sides said.
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.
Double whammy. Accusing one person of being a liar (about the 3rd or 4th time in this thread) and also attacking the person they're replying to. Pretty much all their posts in this thread are disruptive and inappropriate.
You served on a randomly-selected Jury of DU members which reviewed this post. The review was completed at Fri Oct 11, 2013, 02:00 AM, and the Jury voted 3-3 to LEAVE IT.
Juror #1 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: The alerted post is more than a little silly. The poster is harping on whether Nadin is a journalist, a point that's not relevant to anything in this thread. Nevertheless, a DUer who wants to pursue that distraction is entitled to point out that an assertion on the internet is not necessarily true. In this case, it could be pointed out without the gratuitous nastiness of tone, making it a close call for me, but I think it's just this side of the line.
Juror #2 voted to HIDE IT and said: A weak 'hide'. The post is rude, but not nasty.
Juror #3 voted to HIDE IT and said: Very mean-spirited and uncalled for in this thread...
Juror #4 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #5 voted to LEAVE IT ALONE and said: No explanation given
Juror #6 voted to HIDE IT and said: No explanation given
(17,796 posts)But I've always found hers post interesting, yours-not so much.
(16,020 posts)libodem
(19,288 posts)Or du mail me one. Very little original analysis anywhere. Have all our original thoughts already been 'thunk'.
(34,582 posts)are being drowned out by the ones who flooded here under Rush's operation chaos (during 08 primaries)
(154,021 posts)I just smile thinking what happened at the HuffPo comment section, same shit, different website.
(34,582 posts)but when the likes of NanceGreg no longer grace our presence it is sad.
(154,021 posts)And I noticed that analysis is at an all time low.
(21,115 posts)hahahahaha. Whatever will we do without you? (**faints onto the chaise lounge**)
(21,115 posts)Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)Post your thoughts more often here instead of GD. Don't let the status quo chill your voice. Don't let the assholes steal your fire.
(154,021 posts)this is why people are moving off site.
And off site we can do more than just ignore these folks
I might add, if this is a safe heaven...
Yet another reason why a few of us have had it.
(3,864 posts)Southside
(338 posts)They get their talking points from Rush, I assume many, like myself get our talking points from reading posts here.
I spend a lot of time reading conservative forums, they weed out the junk, their losers, to preserve their integrity, seeing 20,000+, 60,000+ and 100,000+ posters in threads is reassuring to me, to see members that are vested in the forum. Sort of like anchors.
In any case I enjoy reading your posts and respect people who are brave enough to put their name on posts. I see that lurkers are gunning for people here, trying to get them fired for expressing themselves. Those lurkers really like you, especially from the cave site. So at least you have followers.
Take care.
(5,016 posts)You will always incur criticism at whatever level of journalism or whatever you call your thoughts ...
So my question is why decry this forum and its participants in which you have been an eloquent member????
Or is this more an effort to project your fears of our governmental demise due to forces beyond your control?
(154,021 posts)if you have not walked five seconds in my shoes, I don't expect you to get it.
So from now on, one, two sentence. Anything more, goes somewhere else.
Though it is funny to hear the commentariat using the same words and analysis I have been using for a while. In fact, like Fukushima among the best.
Tonight, Lawrence O'Donnell was speaking of third parties, SNORT!!!
(5,016 posts)my thoughts are you are starting to believe what you are writing ...
"This is the kind of language that real nightmares are made off. So we have entered into a crisis period in the United States. This is a trend that we have been on for at least ten years, and some of us have observed this in other places over the years, There is no longer a way for the commentariat to hide from this. Welcome to this new reality, as we continue to go down this path of government by crisis. This is also what Empire Collapse looks like, and we might very well be in the early stages of that."
"I wish I could offer you some popcorn, but this is not a movie, nor is this fun."
We have been in many crises in this country ... this is a mild one compared to what Abraham or Franklin went thru and several others throughout our extremely brief history ....
(154,021 posts)day, as well as a few others. I just do analysis. That is what I do for a living actually. As to serious crisis. My friend, we have been moving towards one for years. I recommend a nice reading, without blinders, of the 1850s, including things like how society was polarized. There are extremely good works on for example the city of Boston and high society, and how it broke apart over the course of the decade, in places like JSTORS.
It is not what "I believe."
But whatever, I will now post my stuff away from this place, and that includes real honest to goodness journalistic reports, some of which I have won awards for.
(5,016 posts)I am simply stating that a writer must always separate the drama from the reality ... unless of course you are writing fiction, and be ever vigilant to not get caught up in their own prose ... or anyone elses for that matter ....
Yes, the 1850s was a tumultuous time in our history, however that was the 1850s with the grand compromise of 1850 ... the one that admitted California as a free state, and today is 2013 with the grand compromise of 2013 ... the one that stopped the USA from defaulting on its own debt ...
(154,021 posts)and we are just living through them right now.
It is not what I believe, once again. It is what now a few more are actually writing in places like Salon, The New York News and Politics, Foreign Policy, which has had extensive writings on the end of Empire, and other places like Journal of Political Science. and saying this in places like oh the evening news. I just wrote a lot of this earlier than most, and people make fun of me, relentlessly. I am just tired of the bullies ok. As in extremely tired of them. As in they can... (fill in the blank)
These things are slow in the beginning. There are many points where a crisis, a real crisis, can be averted.
So I will repeat, I do analysis for a living now. It goes from my local city messes. (which are kind of cute compared to the Federal messes, though can be intense), all the way to the federal level and a few others. That is what I do.
The crisis TONIGHT, (the worst of it) seems to be averted. But that does not mean history does not have echoes, or cycles.
And I will no longer post this here on DU. Like Fukushima, what I said back then is starting to hit the MSM as if it was gospel, see Tuna with actually detectable levels of radiation off the California coast... it is bioconcentration and it was predictable.
At this point I will only chortle, and try not to snort too hard as the MSM catches up. I was trained in history, with a good dosing of political science. I was heavily influenced by Deconstruction, and the Michelle Foucault school, as well as Derrida, with a good reading as well of the Longe Duree, all that at an American University. I know, I know, but Latin American historians tend to read those pesky French (and british) historians far more.
So I was trained to look for those patterns. I am also a fan of Santayana, and ironically now mathematicians are getting into the game of predicting periods of strife. They are finding that those of us who use Cycle analysis, are onto something, and we are entering a period of strife. They even have a mathematical formula and everything.
This is a very simplistic intro to what mathematics is starting to do with this.
I just find it starkingly funny. I also expect this particular cycle to accelerate as resources go down due to climate change, but hell, I will watch this site become a news aggregator. It will be fun actually.
(5,016 posts)and evolve we will, as we have done over and over and over and over again .... as Dylan sang so well years ago ... times they are a changin ...
and I have never made fun of you and never will ....
(154,021 posts)made fun. But it is due to those idiots that at the very least I will not post this kind of analysis HERE ON DU. I was going down the GD , and I have noticed I am not alone.
It looks increasingly like a news aggregator, and hardly any original analysis. I think a lot of us old timers are just getting worn out.
(5,016 posts)getting larger and becoming less important to keeping the core relatable ...
"The core part of their nations may be suffering a bit less, but that's only because the peripheries suffer more. This is a general pattern. Money today can only be made by taking it away from other people, who - paradoxically or not - don't have any to begin with. Our economies only managed to "grow" in recent decades, since about the late 1970's, because we borrowed from ourselves to buy products produced by people working for wages only a fraction of our own, and when borrowing from ourselves was no longer a viable option, arguably 10 years ago, though 30 years might ultimately prove a better estimate, we started borrowing from our own futures and those of our children. While the core, the financial and political system, which had accumulated by far the biggest part of the debt, escaped the blame and often even fortified itself by taking more and more away from the periphery."
(154,021 posts)and thanks for a good read.
(17,796 posts)as you noted, good reads are getting a little thin lately.
(154,021 posts)
And they will get even thinner, mark my words.
(634 posts)It is about laying out different viewpoints for people to consider. Most of us have our views and will not change them because of some anonymous internet exchanges. You should feel free to post your opinions and not feel the need to respond to attacks; there is nothing to gain for either side in such exchanges.
Or you could just say " fuck 'em ", like I do.....
(154,021 posts)so a fuck em has been in place in a few cases for ten years.
And welcome to DU, but you should know this place was ONCE, at the latest 2009, a place where vibrant discussion indeed did happen and views were indeed changed.
That is what a lot of us old timers miss.
(17,498 posts)At one time they were called "Hippies" at another time the are called "Tea Party".
Different philosophies of course, just still pissed off people. They got pissed off at conservative people and sites, so they came to DU. They are still pissed off people. Just can't change the way they are.
There just seem to be more people just pissed off, most of the do not even know why they are.
It is amazing that no matter what is said, someone will always disagree.
See a beautiful 67 Mustang on the street. Someone will say the 66 is a lot better one. Someone will say what a gas guzzler. etc
I love reading you really smart and insightful people. I wished I was, but alas, I have a hard time expressing how I feel.
But I do enjoy insightful thought provoking reads.
Don't let pissed off people stop you. Please.
(154,021 posts)So atta boy and Kick and Recommend is all there is. Or my blog
(6,323 posts)I was raised around it and sometimes you just need to check out.
I hope this isn't the last of your posts. I personally love them.
Take Care Nadin hope to hear from you soon.
(154,021 posts)Corruption Inc
(1,568 posts)I read a lot of other sites and watch RT and Amy Goodman, Bill Moyers, Tavis Smiley and a few others. Mainstream America is in an era of corruption, as is most of the world. The people here reflect that with an acute inability to think rationally and instead talk about emotional propaganda responses dictated to them by the MSMedia. My ignore list is in the 100s and still about 1/3rd of the time I'm on this site is used putting the endless swarm of propaganda responders and political sycophants on ignore. It's getting to be a waste of time.
DU could easily kick off all the bullies and trolls but they don't, instead it's usually someone who honestly speaks their mind that gets tomb-stoned.
(3,864 posts)that's mostly the way it is on the internet. I didn't come here looking for analysis, I go elsewhere for that.
We have dozens of brilliant people, the Naomi Kleins, Christian Parenti's etc I read.
People who have something to say don't post on a place like DU.
But what I did come here looking for was discussion, as in Yes I agree with this of what you said, and disagree with that, and here's why..
but that's rare. When it happens, it's wonderful and I learn things, but it is rare, and I agree one wastes a lot of time going thru the idiocy to get to the gems.
And you're right, admin.could easily correct thru moderation, but instead they ignore, or worse, encourage, imo bec. they want large numbers and controversy.