Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumOccupy Movement Gets Its Own TV Station
In partnership with FilmOn Networks, the National Convention PBC and a new union of the groups Occupy Television, ArticleV.org, and the National General Assembly, have launched Occupy Television, a free 24/7 online television channel. The new outlet consolidates all previous sites providing Occupy news and commentary in order to provide access to the maximum amount of people around the world.
There is no more visceral demonstration of the importance of the principles behind Occupy -- and the need for independent control of the movement's own messages -- then the complete failure of the police state in Ferguson, Missouri and its violent behavior toward the media.
Occupy Television's goal is to circumvent mainstream media, with its multitude of conflicts of interests, in order to break out of the echo chambers of conventional political discussion. The station is based on the work of Occupy community members and citizen journalists -- it is TV for the 99%.

(75,480 posts)emsimon33
(3,128 posts)
(17,796 posts)
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)Long live the Movement.
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)AnotherDreamWeaver
(2,903 posts)

Roy Rolling
(7,265 posts)HUGE
(2,932 posts)Wonderful.
May Occupy live long and succeed.
Unknown Beatle
(2,688 posts)but Obama really needs to rein in Tom Wheeler. If Wheeler has his way, net neutrality will be a thing of the past and the moneyed elite are hoping and paying for such a thing to occur.
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but we have to fight against the destruction of net neutrality and Occupy TV is a great start.
(45,251 posts)bananas
(27,509 posts)Enthusiast
(50,983 posts)Thank you, eridani.
(60,364 posts)we have http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ .
From its beginnings as a working group in Dewey Square, Occupy Boston Radio has been one of the longest functioning parts of the Occupy Movement. Occupy Boston started officially on September 30th 2011 through a series of twitter conversations that resulted in an encampment in the heart of the financial district of Boston, Massachusetts.
What began as a festival, the sharing of ideas and common grievances, quickly became a desperate effort to survive police violence, the elements and to protect a parcel of land that was intended for the use by the people of Boston to congregate and practice free speech. In the early hours of October 11th, 2011 the Boston Police Department raided a second parcel of the greenway that Occupy Boston had spilled into as a result of there not being enough room on the original parcel to hold all the people that had showed up to participate. The raid on October 11th has been described as an orgy of violence, and effectively changed the focus of the encampment from making a better world possible to one of fear. Our focus became solutions for winterization to protect those more vulnerable in our society, as well as fighting for our right to be able to express ourselves freely. On December 10th, 2011 the encampment in Dewey Square was evicted. In the hours before dawn, the Boston Police Department removed and bulldozed the camp.
It was December 10th, 2011 that Occupy Boston Radio began broadcasting. We had no expertise, nor did any of us have the benefit of an education in broadcasting. What we did have, was a belief that a better world is possible. So we began broadcasting a very diversified lineup of programming that we thought would fill a void that has been a vacuum in our society, a free and independent press. Alongside our comrades at the Boston Occupier, and with partial funding through Occupy Boston, we forged a studio space at encuentro 5. In the past almost three years, OBR.fm (Occupy Boston Radio), has been broadcasting original programming by and for the 99%, with focus upon the voices of those marginalized in our society. We have broadcast directly from Occupy protests, held public forums, broadcast election coverage, and helped put together some decadent parties. We have participated in community events, and stayed true to the principles of the Occupy Movement.
As the crowds diminished at GAs, and the social media buzz was waning around Occupy, we continued broadcasting. Through countless hours of learning and then doing we have spent enormous amounts of time and personal resources to continue . Along with the help of many members of the community, we have been able to survive though we face many challenges in doing so.
Some of us found something at Dewey Square. It wasnt the drum circles, or the meals served to around a thousand people a day, or even the amazement on peoples faces as they experienced the oppression by our camp derelict. What we found was a dream and the ingenuity, or perhaps insanity to believe that we could accomplish this endeavor of building a viable independent radio station. Though our road has not been easy, we persevere to continue to build an independent media resource for all people. To build a resource that is centered around teaching, as well as expanding the voice of oppressed and marginalized people, and building our community. We envision an organization that will help others create their own media based organizations, and a media creation branch to support the success of those organizations. We also would like to become a larger resource for our own community, in helping our local worker and social justice organizations reach their own potential. We found our dreams of a better world in Dewey Square, and we found the many invisible people to our society. We also found forms of oppression that many of us didnt even know existed. These dreams are what press us forward to to the realization that in fact, a better world is inevitable.
With our deep admiration, respect and solidarity for all Occupies across the globe, as well as the many organizations that have been, and are supportive of our efforts, we will realize the fruition of our efforts through the community that we strive to build. This will be accomplished through the cooperation and collaboration of many different groups and peoples.Through innovative funding, and the wisdom in our community, and just plain old elbow grease, OBR.fm will become an actual entity with Activate Radio. Much like the phoenix that rises out of the ashes, Activate Radio is the direct transition of OBR.fm. In order to accomplish this task we need two things, the expertise of our comrades, and the support of our community to realize our goals. To volunteer your skills be it physical or technical, please send a message to our email account activatemedia01@gmail.com.
To the 43,000+ people that liked Occupy Boston on social media, and played a very important role in allowing the voice of the 99% to be heard from 2011 on by supporting our efforts with financial contributions, we need you! We need you to look around yourself and make a quick assessment. Has the world we are all living in gotten any better since 2011? Has the need for independent media that represents the needs of all of us rather than the greed of a few gotten smaller? If your answers are No, Join Us! Step up again, and help us be able to accomplish our common goals! Go to the OBR.fm web page and donate to help us fund this endeavor.
When we are able to attain our goal of transitioning OBR.fm to Activate Radio, we look forward to celebrating our success with a Launch Party to kick off our next phase in building this community. We will within this next year embark on a conversion to a hybrid of video broadcasting, as well as adding shows from all corners of the world. With your help all of this isnt just possible, its inevitable.
A DUer hosts weekly Veterans For Peace shows Monday evenings. here's his blog: http://veteransforpeaceradio.com/
And Bob's latest blog entry:
Conflict (Warning graphic pics)
The recent murder of James Foley has me in a deep conflict, deeper and darker than I care to go, but I cant keep myself from thinking of much other than revenge for this murder, but against an entire group ISIS/ISIL appears to be the epitome of evil. They murder without mercy, sell women and children off as slaves, they claim a religious basis for this, but Ill be damned if I can find one from the Muslims and Quran Scholars Ive spoken with who even come close to agreeing with that.
I fully admit that I am as far from religion as a person can get, but I most certainly have a spiritual side that drives me, almost always for the good of the people around me. What would I do, if I could do anything, to alleviate the suffering ISIS/ISIL has brought upon so many? Could I make a passionate argument that what they were doing was in direct conflict with what is the basis of all of the great religions? Could I get them to stop their slaughter long enough to see that they are in direct conflict with their own religion? I am pretty sure I would suffer greatly for my points of view.
It is the impunity with which they have gathered this storm together that bothers me more than anything. In all of the Middle East, not one nation is condemning these people from what they are doing. This is a huge WTF moment! This small band of thieves and liars became a force because honest people within their region did not call them out on their insanity in the beginning. They get recruits by paying them, something the nations in the region seem incapable of doing for their own citizens. Flash point after flash point rises from the dust of the desert, some, which were huge news just a week ago, have been relegated to secondary or tertiary status because this rogue element makes for good copy.
Is it right for me to wish to bring the same amount of fear they bring to others to them, or perhaps an extra dose of fear. It is easy to sit here in Boston and safely write about these things, but they bring up the rumblings of my past, the desire to exact vengeance which I have struggled with for 40+ years. To kill a man is a dreadful thing, even when that man acts like a rabid animal. I sincerely doubt this group of black garbed, masked cowards would sit around a campfire singing Cumbayah. There is so much of evil in these people I find it difficult to comprehend; even in my worst days on the battlefield would I act like these people? How can I, as a Veteran For Peace, deal with monstrous acts on a scale that is growing daily?
I can find no empathy for these people, but I have plenty of empathy and sympathy for those who are being summarily abused by these thugs. I try to find some small shred of goodness in everyone, but I cannot find a sliver of goodness in ISIS/ISIL, it is evil personified in an area that is already a keg of dynamite ready to explode. Sleep comes with great difficulty, for while it is night here, it is day there, and the evil moves forward with each dawn. How can I sleep when I know women and children are being sold into slavery, men of all ages are slaughtered in ditches? It is a damned if you do, damned if dont moment. Christ, Im damned!
I can think of one way where we could help, starting with Gaza, open up the area for humanitarian aid. Once the people in the region see that we can be as good as our word, we can utilize humanitarian aid to open more areas that need as much, if not more than Gaza. Bring in other nations, not just European nations, but Middle Eastern nations, African and South American nations, Asian nations all coming to the aid of a beleaguered speck of land. We can act globally to end this nightmare and the positives will build upon the positives, nations will realize they can work together for the betterment of mankind. Food, water, shelter, medicine the four basic elements everyone needs can be brought in. In the longer run, we can build desalinization plants for irrigation and a level of production where people can subsist on their own. Wed need a powerful UN force to guard the lines of communication and distribution, that is possible, even if it is might seem a little rough and tumble from time to time. Each time ISIS/ISIL makes a move, we counter it internationally, giving them the option of cessation of hostilities or face capture and imprisonment for life for crimes against humanity. We could bring families back together, finding out who had bought the slaves ISIS/ISIL sold, (owning or selling human beings is an international crime).
This is a huge effort and is fraught with possibilities of things going terribly wrong, but could they be worse than what is happening now wherever ISIS/ISIL has left its imprint?
On the other hand, we could just target them and be done with it, but is that justice or retribution? This is where Im conflicted, I want justice, but retribution sounds so tempting.
Perhaps Im not damned after all.
(122,486 posts)Utopian Leftist
(534 posts)A free television station. Does that mean that most any TV should be able to pick it up or will my cable company have to subscribe to it or something?
eta: I bet their news will be more reliable than the rest of the shlock on TV.