Occupy Underground
Related: About this forumQuestion! (about an amendment to Dodd-Frank; referrals welcome!)
I'm posting about this here because I know that, at least for a while, there was an Occupy committee that gave detailed comments on the then-pending Dodd-Frank legislation. I recently came across an article about an amendment to Dodd-Frank that I found very concerning, and I'd like to see more analyses of the effects of the amendment from sources I trust (eridani has posted about this article on DU previously, though not in this group):
http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/a_crisis_worse_than_isis_bail-ins_begin_20151229 - "A Crisis Worse Than Islamic State? Bank Bail-Ins Begin."
The gist as I understand it is that in Greece, depositors' savings are being drained BEFORE derivatives counterparties or bank shareholders have to take any haircut AND that that same "Orderly Resolution" process is now the law in the U.S. under Dodd-Frank, thanks to a sneaky little amendment.
This, combined with concerns about the inadequacy of FDIC insurance funds, makes for a very scary picture.
Unfortunately, the gist of the article seems only too plausible at this point; but I looked at one or two of the sources quoted in it, and one of them wasn't really about the same point(s); i.e., the quote was excerpted and used in a way that was, at least to me, slightly misleading. That may have been unintentional . . . .
I've found almost nothing else online that's directly on point. Here are links to what I did find (not reassuring):
http://seekingalpha.com/instablog/693913-andrew-sachais/3068725-fdic-coverage-and-dodd-frank-what-it-could-mean-for-your-deposits - FDIC Coverage And Dodd Frank What It Could Mean For Your Deposits
{by Andrew Sachais}
Jul 15, 2014 5:30 PM
http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2013/03/when-you-werent-looking-democrat-bank-stooges-launch-bills-to-permit-bailouts-deregulate-derivatives.html : When You Werent Looking, Democrat Bank Stooges Launch Bills to Permit Bailouts, Deregulate Derivatives
Posted on March 19, 2013 by Yves Smith
I'm hoping for input from others with more expertise who can confirm or refine what the article seems to say.

(19,326 posts)from people who have a better grasp on how financial markets operate than I do.
I have this gut feeling that another "fleecing" of the US public is around the bend, and
would like to be better informed about it myself.
(54,770 posts)your money is pretty much worthless unless the Feds step in.
And, no, I'm not saying financial institutions don't do illegal things. Where money is involved, tough regulation is required. But, breaking up the big banks into lots of smaller ones will not enhance regulation, IMO. In an event that would bring down a big bank, you'd just have hundreds/thousands of smaller ones going down -- and correcting the problem will be more complicated.
(19,326 posts)"breaking up the big banks" is not intended to "enhance regulation"
Though my grasp of how financial institutions is sketchy, I don't think breaking up the biggest
banks is intended to "enhance regulation", it's intended to end ANY financial institution from
being "too big to fail" <-- the much ballyhooed rationale for "having no choice" but to bail them
out if they go tits-up.
(10,967 posts)Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)but up here in Canada a bail-in law was quietly passed in an omnibus bill just a few years ago. Basically the bank can take a portion of your funds, as a first measure, and issue you stock in exchange (which could end up being worthless). I think there are actually several European countries who have done the same, not just Greece.
(19,326 posts)coming and going, bail-out or bail-in ... ALWAYS at the expense of 'the little people'.