Feminism and Diversity
Related: About this forumThe Silencing of the Hillary Clinton Supporter
The medias obsession with the white populist narrative serves two purposes: telling women who supported Hillary they dont matter and exonerating itself from being culpable in her loss.
Last Friday, Hillary Clinton delivered the commencement speech at her alma mater, Wellesley, to a rapt audience of young women, just as Rebecca Traisters New York magazine cover story went live online, vaulting the former presidential candidate back into the news. And with Clintons interview at Recodes Code2017 yesterday where she addressed the myriad reasons for her loss, so came the return of trolls and the tiresome exegesis that demands a single truth: that Clinton lost because she and her campaign failed to connect with the white working class. Misogyny, James Comey, the Russians be damned.

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)there were anti Hillary Posts popping up all over. The most ignorant statement came from Mrs. Greenspan.
(5,034 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)dispersion,stories are pumped out in seconds,and yes there are people who are paid to pump these types of stories.
The GOP has a history of doing this crap since the Nixon years.
(308,408 posts)Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Apparently something to do with Billy and her Hubby. This in it's self disqualifies Mitchell as a so called Reporter. But,though out her Career,she tends to shoot herself in the foot from time to time.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,670 posts)Here is why we are done and done, for sure.
MILLIONS of people who think they are progressives are going to DEMAND a purity that is not possible AT THIS time for 2018, result will be MORE seats for GOP, not less, or at a minimum DNC will NOT take back EITHER house.
Some of them work for Putin, the rest, the vast majority are idealists who heard Bernie say Hillary was corrupt and that was that.
(10,173 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)Thank you
(9,967 posts)it. Well guess what? I will NOT get over it!
Something that upsets me is that I'm afraid to wear and display stuff sporting Hillary. I fear I will be harassed, or even attacked over it. Sadly, this started in the primaries. I never had this fear when I supported other candidates.
(31,745 posts)because we did not want to get over the selection of Dubya and the terrorist attack on September 11.
If we did not have to get over Gore and the country being cheated, I am sure as hell not going to get over HRC. She was our nominee. Period. She is the most qualified person ever to have run for President. Period. I don't care if the critics are on the left or the right, they are not going to shut me up. Period.
(55,026 posts)iluvtennis
(21,083 posts)brer cat
(26,838 posts)and something of a comfort to me to stop and sit for a moment with someone who understands. This really hit home:
"The brutal response McIntosh is referring to was the way in which expressions of unreserved support for Clinton were often met with accusations of featherbrained fangirl-dom, or vagina-voting."
We faced that here on DU as well as elsewhere: having our support for Hillary denigrated as though we were simple minded. For many of us, Hillary represented the culmination of the decades that we toiled relentlessly for equality and to have our voices heard and respected. Yes, we rejoiced to FINALLY see a woman at the top of the ticket, yet I don't know a single person who supported her just because she was a woman. We knew her strengths and her temperament, her opinions and priorities, we knew the policies she would enact, how she would represent us on the world stage. That is what drew us to her, and made us want to see her in the White House.
Thank you for posting this, HAB911.
(16,104 posts)...Hillary tells Traister that she is angry, of course, but that as a woman in public life, you cant be angry for yourself. You just cant. You can be indignant, you can be annoyed, you can be frustrated, but you cant be angry I dont think angers a strategy. What it is, is a white mans privilege. Recall that people fantasized about the anger of the notoriously calm Obama, too (Key and Peeles Angry Obama sketch was a particularly brilliant fantasy). But Hillarys voters, like Obamas, are angryand remain so. Injustice tends to make many of us furious. Still, we cant express ours, either. When we do, we still, even now, get shut down by trolls online, fight with neighbors and friends and family, are sometimes even harassed by strangers...
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)telling him to get the f@ck off the stage.
(55,026 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)As it happens, Democrats close to Mr. Kerry say that some of his donors decided to support Mr. Obama over Mrs. Clinton because she knocked Mr. Kerry when he was already down.
More important, she said that elections are about the future, and we dont have to be re-fighting the 2004 election, as much as President Bush would like that.
We don't need to be re-fighting the 2016 election, as much as President Tr*mp would like that.
(29,032 posts)If someone made that mild a remark about something Hillary said and apologized, it would roll off her back like water off a duck. I don't think that's kicking someone when they're down!
I'm sorry, but I think that is a reach. Anyone who chose Obama over Clinton based on that remark was going to pick Obama over Clinton anyway.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)She said this after John Kerry was defending against attacks on his patriotism, just like he had to in 2004.
Kerry and his people understood exactly what she meant by that choice of words.
(29,032 posts)This is also a distraction from the topic of this thread, which is a very well-written and moving article.
(55,026 posts)All you cite is her describing as "inn appropriate" a bad joke by Kerry about failing students ending up in Iraq. As I recall, Kerry himself apologized for the joke, so he too thought it was inappropriate. That is not telling him to get the fuck off the stage.
You are wrong. Trump does not want us relitigating what happened in 2016. What happened in 2016 is very different than what happened in 2004. We were attacked by a foreign adversary who conspired with the Trump campaign to put a totally incompetent, fascistic man-baby in the Oval Office. We can't just let that go, as much as Trump, and you, would like that.
It makes me crazy that we have to keep fighting it here as well
(55,026 posts)Many live in a "flagged for review" limbo.
(31,745 posts)Isn't there supposed to be a time limit? One way or the other?
(55,026 posts)
(37,137 posts)demigoddess
(6,675 posts)Hillary. " from Hillary supporters.
(29,032 posts)Rage, frustration, anger, despair, and sadness all at once.
(4,518 posts)This country is so backward when it comes to strong women. Revoltingly backward.
Screw 'em.
Les Cowbell
(84 posts)From Patti Solis Doyle:
I ❤️ @HillaryClinton but I'm tired of hearing who/what she blames 4 loss. Want 2 hear how Ds can win in 2018, 2020 & beyond. Time 2 move on
Link to tweet
3:50 PM - 31 May 2017
I think many on here need to take heed. Or you can keep at it, attacking Kerry, Doyle, Franken etc., putting your love for Hilary above all else and the Dems lose again in 2018 and beyond and the suffering of those you say you care about gets worse.
(6,760 posts)I don't attack any left leaner. The only thing that really bothers me it that Bernie isn't a Dem. Sorry. We have a two party system no matter how folks want us to think otherwise.
Les Cowbell
(84 posts)I voted for Hillary in the primary. I believe in investigating and fixing what was done in the 2016 election by the repubs and Russians. But I agree with Franken and the focus should be on winning in 2018 and beyond.
(2,961 posts)Les Cowbell
(84 posts)You're ok with that?
(2,961 posts)Les Cowbell
(84 posts)then you and people like you will mean more losses in the future for Democrats.
(2,961 posts)future losses when revelations about what happened during the election are still unfolding?
The Republicans have done nothing but scream and throw tantrums and here they are. We need to become better at "working the refs" as Eric Alterman has often pointed out. The Republicans are experts at it, so the media kiss their asses, while the polite, civil, "let's just move on... nothing to see here" Democrats are rewarded with the NYT and Washington Post posting excerpts from a sleazy, completely un-newsworthy Breitbart publication, "Clinton Cash" just as Clinton begins her campaign. They always feel they have to bend over backwards to preemptively trash our side to satisfy the perpetually aggrieved and whining right-wing cry babies who are always shrieking about the liberal media. (Just so the whiners can later scream "FAKE NEWS!" anyway.)
Franklin was answering a question and he barely said anything, BUT he also said Clinton has a right to analyze what happened.
And I think she has a right to analyze what happened, but we do have to move on. And we have to move on by proving we are the party that cares about a lot of the people who voted for Donald Trump.
I agree with him. (Not that I am prepared to give a rat's ass about Trump voters just yet, given where they have brought us... but yes, work on our proposals and messaging, and show them how screwed they are under 45, and why Dems are better.) But It's possible to look to the future while also exposing the truth of what came before. In fact, we can't really come up with a winning strategy without correctly identifying WHY we lost. Clinton earned the right to point out what SHE thinks went wrong. Just read the Charles Pierce article. He's not some big Clinton apologist.
Comey was a giant issue. (Even 45's pollster said Comey cost Clinton the election.) What about fake news? Russia's role? The "liberal" press (see "Clinton Cash" above)? Voter suppression (very successful in Wisconsin, for example)? Misogyny? White nationalism... and racism, in general? The state of the DNC when Clinton's campaign began? (Hadn't heard that before.) Some Sanders' supporters (I started out as one) were not just pro-Sanders but anti-Clinton, and said she was basically the same as that disgusting piece of orange filth. (Did that cost votes in close states by dampening voter enthusiasm, leading to third party, write-in or no voting?) Maybe you don't agree with all of these possible issues... or any of them... but identifying what went wrong is a necessary precursor to making sure it doesn't happen again. I mean, we can't cure misogyny, but maybe if we shriek loudly enough about it, it will at least be on the radar. And who cares anymore what anyone thinks about the shrieking or the shriekers? Look where we are! Shrieking works.
My daughter saw Elizabeth Warren, yesterday, and she said Democrats can be too nice when it comes to politics. I agree.
(6,760 posts)We must not and never will give up our fight.
(24,655 posts)There's 90 proven voting machines that have been proven to have provided wrong totals and 534 (thirty something, can't remember exact #) machines that need to be examined and are most likely compromised. So was it Russia or Repugs that violated these machines? Either way, Hillary won and the election was stolen, same thing that happened to Gore, except this time the Russians were heavily involved.
(9,967 posts)shut up about this either
(23 posts)We will always matter and continue to grow in importance in this world as the world grows despite what the naysayers and anti-feminists may say. TimesUp