Updates on Polywell Research
Hello Folks,
I have some updates from the polywell fusion world. The big news (if you have not already heard) - is that the Navy published it's results for the first time in years. Here is the paper (June 1, 2014)
Below are some images from their work.
You can watch a short film illustrating this machine here:
The Navy paper relies highly on X-ray data (below). We need to see a scientific response to this.

The Navy thinks they have found a stable plasma configuration. The confinement method is "cusp confinement" a long sought-after, but never observed state of plasma. It could be a revolution in plasma containment.
Dr. Park has now given 8 lectures on this: UC Irvine, U of Maryland, Princeton, U of Wisconsin and private talks. They are shopping around for 30 million over 3 years to develop this research. They will likely be part of the 2014 ARPA-E Funding call on October 15th.
The 2014 IEC conference just wrapped up in Wisconsin last week. Polywell work is now becoming a bigger portion of the talks. The Polywell was pointed to by Dr. Robert Hirsche, former head of the AEC as an promising fusion technology. There is also a new paper from the University of Syndney. This is from 9/8/2014 in the Physics of Plasma Journal.
This paper provides more evidence of electron trapping inside the polywell. University of Sydney is about to put out a second PhD Thesis on this, showing a great deal more data of this.
The Polywell Guy, since 2008