A message from a former Medicare Advantage salesman. Why you must get the real thing!
I have been begging people to get standard Medicare. Medicare Part C, aka Medicare Advantage, is a fraud on the patient and the American taxpayer. I have explained this ad nauseam in several blogs.
Blog Post: https://egbertowillies.com/2023/10/11/a-message-from-a-former-medicare-advantage-salesman-why-you-must-get-the-real-thing/
Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/politicsdoneright/episodes/Alex-Lawson--Social-Security-Works-Exec--Dir-justly-destroys-the-fraudulent-Medicare-Advantage-e2740qe/a-aa51dtb

Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,921 posts)Not subscribing to anything unless I have some idea of what Im subscribing to.
(13,807 posts)The best plans are not ADVANTAGE plans, which often have gimmicks or useless "benefits" and other problems.
The best plans are "Medigap" or "original Medicare" where the benefits are STANDARDIZED by law.
Silent Type
(8,496 posts)are probably best you can do.
Thats the main reason 51% of Medicare beneficiaries choose it, as of 2023. The incessant advertising is partially responsible, but they are offering coverage to a lot of people who just cant afford MediGap and a drug plan.
If traditional Medicare is affordable, its preferable. But too often it doesnt work for people with little disposable income.
(23,070 posts)SorellaLaBefana
(284 posts)...would provide a summary of the point of the video, and why it might be useful for someone to take the time to watch.
So many have1- 2 minutes of information in a 10 minute ad filled self-promoting video: Like and Subscribe!
I read much faster than a video runs, I'm old and time runs out
(28,675 posts)Hint: It's not because they care about us.
(23,070 posts)Traditional Medicare B is not; With Part B you can always find a doctor who is covered because there are no networks. Medicare B has a limited by law small % overhead to allow for increased cost of doing business. The Medicare Director does not make millions per year, either. CEOs of the insurance companies make obscene amounts of money.
Part B has the lowest cost per claim, fastest turnaround time, and lowest error percentage in the industry.
Response to egbertowillies (Original post)
Hope22 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(108,112 posts)Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,921 posts)determining how the Dr. is treating me. Have been on advantage plan, only cos I didnt know better (and cheap for someone in good health) But once when I asked to get thyroid and other levels checked (had reason to) they let the cat out of the bag - I was told they had to justify it for the insurance co, there had to be some reason, they couldnt just run tests for the sake of running tests. To which I responded I just want the same level of care MY SENIOR CAT gets every year - complete check of all values - kidnesy, thyroid, liver, blood glucose, etc etc etc. - the idea being as my vet always tells me, to catch problems early on before they become big problems.
Hmmm I wonder if a vet could take a blood draw from me instead of my cat and order a senior panel? Only costs a couple hundred dollars LOL.
Anyway, Ive had other instances where they wont do things that they used to do when I had regular HMO insurance, not sure how much is medicare, how much is the advantage plan, or maybe none of the above.
(162,212 posts)these scammers are making these plans very appealing to people of modest means; often it is all they can afford
I agree it's all garbage and the long-term plan is to get everyone on these MA plans and then get rid of Medicare and turn it all over to private insurance.
(284 posts)Private Medical Insurance coverage has been much in the news of late: Delay, Deny, Defend