Even as President, Donald Trump Panders to the N.R.A.
Interestingly, however, now that Mr. Trumps in the White House, gun sales have been leveling off, gun company stocks are dropping and industry workers are being laid off. One reason is that President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have departed the political scene, thereby depriving gun marketeers and the N.R.A. of the selling point that caused an eight-year binge of gun sales to buyers who feared tight new regulations.
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You came through for me and I am going to come through for you, Mr. Trump declared, as gun owners cheered. Exactly how he might do that remains to be seen, although the president pointed to his decision to ease federal restrictions against the use of lead bullets on federal hunting grounds. Lead ammunition remnants prove highly toxic in the animal food chain and had been restricted.
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Gun safety research indicates concealed-carry gun owners are responsible for far more homicides and suicides than self-defense standoffs against criminals. But Mr. Trump, who used to favor strong gun controls, has endorsed the N.R.A.s vigilante approach as a safety measure. If Im in that room and lets say we have two or five or 40 people with guns, he hypothesized as a candidate, were going to do a lot better because theres going to be a shootout.
And there you have the gun culture "Second Amendment solution" mindset being pumped up by a fellow sociopath with obvious mental issues. Poison the earth, and inundate our communities with deadly weapons because it is obvious that wild animals need no protection, and a "shootout" is preferable to keeping guns away from people who shouldn't have them.

rogue emissary
(3,224 posts)Yeah, that what we want in any restaurant, theater or store across America. Just random semi or untrained people shooting it out because they heard or saw someone else with a gun.
Sculpin Beauregard
(1,046 posts)allowed at the NRA rally! Why would they do that, hmmm?
Tiny peckered assholes.
(976 posts)Is President Obama still gonna' take away our gunz?
(6,650 posts)was ever "gonna take away your gunz." Regulate them? Yes. Take them away? No. That Republican lie, and NRA marketing strategy of fear, has been perpetuated by the gun culture as a right-wing talking point for decades. The growing anti-gun violence movement, and this Group, are countering the Big Lie with common sense and facts.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)Ha. Knowing wayne lapierre-head & his money loving nra gunnuts & gun industry jackals, the loss of new money might just be enough to start them on clandestine covert support of democrats in future elections!
Watch for a higher proportion of 'nra donations to democrat candidates', next year.....
(6,650 posts)the Democratic Party should join with the right-wing NRA controlled gun lobby and fully support the right for anyone to own a gun for any reason, and carry it anywhere they please. By their reasoning, this is the only way Democrats can become politically valid again.
Your astute observations above point out the realities of the marketplace, but we Democrats must continue to propose sane, realistic, and sensible measures and legislation to curb the proliferation of guns in our society, and their use for vigilante justice.