At long last I see some movement on the insanity of guns in America.
Watching the Virginia election returns on MSNBC last night I saw the issues voting results on screen. On gun policy the voting was evenly split 49-49. Northam ran on an assault weapon ban, extended magazine ban, universal background checks and other gun safety policies. Gillespie ran on reversing existing legislation, the 2nd Amendment and gave a passing consideration to bump stocks. As many people voted for gun control as against it even though the gun rights community went 70-30 for Gillespie. (sorry gunners, no link 'cause it was on screen live broadcast. you'll just have to take my word for it--or call me a liar as you are want to do) It appears that, gun nuts' protestations aside, the gun issue is NOT a losing issue for Democrats. At worst it's a wash as most voters couldn't give a bigger shit about guns as a decision making issue and at best gun control is a WINNING position.
Down ticket Chris Hurst won running on gun control as his main plank after losing his girlfriend to gun violence on live TV.
Sen. Chris Murphy called out his colleagues for accepting money from the gun lobby in the strongest possible language.
Sen. Ted Lieu walked out of a 'moment of silence' saying, "I can't be silent any more."
Trump's pick for top Pentagon health office calls civilian ownership of AR15s 'insane'.
Even John Cornyn is showing passing interest in Universal background checks.
We, as a nation, are still very very sick but I see signs the fever has broken.