The NRA Admits to More Than 20 Russia Linked Contributors As Gun Lobby Facade Crumbles
From the article:
We all know that the NRA started as a citizens organization, but many years ago it changed to a lobbying organization for weapons manufacturers.
Now, we also know that it is a front for Russian propaganda as well as gun manufacturers propaganda designed to sell weapons.
Remember that the next time that Wayne LaPierre opens his lying mouth to talk.
To read more:

(66,282 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)LaPierre obviously values money over his fellow Americans.
(12,520 posts)Our enemy supports the wide distribution of weapons so we can kill ourselves. Saves them from the problems of an invasion I guess.
(42,649 posts)And given that Putin is essentially a dictator, he is relatively immune from tis type of thing.
(25,496 posts)...or gives a speech: )
"Mr. LaPeeError, is this the new talking point from Moscow? Or are you making up your own sh&it?"
(42,649 posts)For the same reasons.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)lastlib: Mr. LaPeeError,
My favorite is Wayne Lapierre-head.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)guillaume: NRA Admits to More Than 20 Russia Linked Contributors As Gun Lobby Facade Crumbles
National Rifle Association revised its previous statement about receiving one Russian donation to correct that number to more than 20 Russia linked contributions.
In a letter to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), the NRA said most of these payments were routine for membership or magazine subscriptions and the sum was just over $2,500. The NRA said the contributions came from 23 people associated with Russian addresses.
If true & the bulk of it, that's hardly gonna get the nra fined or labeled anti-american. Just over $100 per person as a donation or subscription payment won't draw much interest.
But MSNBC's Rachel Maddow had a good segment on this a couple days back (I saw it too):
MSNBCs Rachel Maddow outlined how the Kremlin-linked Right to Bear Arms group has no interest in helping Russians secure firearms and that their interests are way more nefarious.
Whats funny, Maddow noted, is that they dont actually support gun rights in Russia. Neither, she noted, does Russian President Vladimir Putin.
So why did they create this group that purports to promote that? she mused.
Unsurprisingly, one of the groups founding members {Maybe Torshin} who now has been added to the list of Russian oligarchs sanctioned by President Donald rump has close connections to the National Rifle Association. He not only attends their annual conference, but also has NRA celebrities to attend events in Russia as well, Maddow noted.
Among the U.S. officials who personally promoted this group is John Bolton, referencing the presidents infamous new national security adviser.
To be clear: Vladimir Putin and his political party do not believe the Russian people should have the right to bear arms, she said. Instead, they appear to be trying to sell the illusion that theyre pro-Russian gun rights for effect on an American audience.
They were trying to cultivate ties between the American political right and Putins government, she said, citing new reporting that the FBI is now investigating the Right to Bear Arms and Torshin used their relationship with the NRA to funnel foreign cash to the US and Donald Trumps presidential campaign.
The NRA will disavow any knowledge of any relationship to funnel foreign/russian cash to donald trump.
Regrettably, the nra will not self destruct in five seconds after disavowing this (ala mission impossible tapes)
(42,649 posts)Follow the money.
Response to guillaumeb (Original post)
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