Breaking News: Stinking Pigs can be sued
Three parents whose children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 filed a defamation lawsuit against Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist who has long claimed the shooting was completely fake and a giant hoax perpetrated by opponents of the Second Amendment.Soon after they buried their children, many Sandy Hook parents started to come under fierce attack by conspiracy theorists who have said they are actors in an elaborate scheme to enact stricter gun control laws. The fringe theories still thrive in small forums online but have reached a far greater audience through Mr. Jones, the most vocal propagator {aka stinking pig}.
The suits focus on comments made by Mr. Jones in the past year. In a segment on his radio show called Sandy Hook Vampires Exposed, which aired April 2017, Mr. Jones highlighted an interview that Ms. De La Rosa did with CNN after the shooting. While they are standing outside a downtown Newtown building, Mr. Cooper turns his head to face her. During that quick head movement, Mr. Coopers nose seems to disappear evidence, Mr. Jones said, that the interview with Ms. De La Rosa was conducted in a studio. In reality, the glitch is known as a compression artifact, a distortion that is common in video encoding.
A few months later, Mr. Jones was profiled on NBCs Sunday Night With Megyn Kelly, which brought up his past comments about Sandy Hook. Ms. Kelly also interviewed Mr. Heslin, who recalled seeing his dead son.
I held my son with a bullet hole through his head, Mr. Heslin told her.
But a week later in an Infowars video, Owen Shroyer, who works for the site, argued that it was not possible that Mr. Heslin held his dead son because the medical examiner said he showed photographs to the parents to identify their children.
Will there be a clarification from Heslin or Megyn Kelly? Mr. Shroyer said. I wouldnt hold your breath.
the next month, Mr. Jones replayed part of that Infowars video on his show. The stuff I found was they never let them see their bodies, Mr. Jones said. Thats kind of whats weird about this. But maybe they did.
In a rambling 10-minute response.. , Mr. Jones {oinked} that his lawyers were very confident that the lawsuits were frivolous because his {pig sloppy} efforts to discuss both sides of the issue were misunderstood and misrepresented by major media outlets.
Hahaha. Stinking pig say he's getting a taste of his own medicine. Observe, a worried pig:
PS: most pigs are pleasant & relatively smart animals too, smarter than dogs. Jones an exception:

Eliot Rosewater
(32,669 posts)rights to hyperbole are here but they are substantial.
Legally speaking.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)Eliot: Pain and suffering damages can easily be shown. I dont know what his rights to hyperbole are here but they are substantial.
I kind of agree with you he's first gonna cite 1st amendment free speech rights, then if that fails his 5th amendment rights.
Well I guess this is a civil case tho.
eliot: Legally speaking. Attorneys??
I doubt even peta would touch this one. But for some lawyers it would be familial to defend another stinking pig.
Shyster Alan Dershowitz might (mr ethics man who say damn the truth, just get your client off at all costs, then 'stands tall' for ethics. ha. Perry mason inter alios would've spit in his face 100 years ago).
flamin lib
(14,559 posts)If I live a suitable life l may get to ride the elevator to that lowest realm and poke at him with a sharp stick through the bars of his cage.
(6,650 posts)the Gun Nut swine on DU Jimmy. Thanks...