Doctors start movement in response to NRA, calling for more gun research
In a tweet this month, the NRA told "anti-gun" doctors to "stay in their lane" after a series of research papers about firearm injuries and deaths was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, including new recommendations to reduce gun violence.
The NRA, which marked 147 years as an active organization over the weekend, wrote in the tweet, "Someone should tell self-important anti-gun doctors to stay in their lane. Half of the articles in Annals of Internal Medicine are pushing for gun control. Most upsetting, however, the medical community seems to have consulted NO ONE but themselves."
The tweet was posted hours before a gunman opened fire in the Borderline Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California, killing 12 people before turning the gun on himself.
The article goes on the state that "the American College of Physicians are collaborating with the nonprofit American Foundation for Firearm Injury Reduction in Medicine to advance research related to gun violence."
It's about time that professionals stood up to the anti-American terrorist organization that purports to "defend" the Second Amendment at a cost of 30,000 American deaths each and every year. The right-wing push for "guns for everyone and everywhere" is a travesty of the clear meaning of the entire Constitution -- and not just one ambiguous sentence.

flamin lib
(14,559 posts)well for the NRA.
But then not much is going well for the NRA these days . . .
(5,276 posts)To me they have become in essence a terrorist organization. For years they were just about selling to hunters. These days they are accessories to all the mass shooting, putting moving product over public safety.
jimmy the one
(2,726 posts)In the alternate bizarro universe there's a pro gun org called Dr Go, standing for doctors for (cough) responsible gun ownership. Despite its name it's radical & likely smiled upon by nra bigwigs & henchmen like wayne lapierre-head.
Three blind mice, three blind mice, see how they spin, see how they spin:
Arthur Z Przebinda, MD, DRGO project director: DRGO Seeks Gun-Friendly Healthcare Providers
Patients want to trust their provider to not make mistakes and to not lie to them. Unfortunately, when it comes to guns, medical organizations have not been living up to that expectation. Medical associations have been insinuating an anti-gun political agenda into the patient-doctor relationship for decades. Patients are routinely being asked about gun ownership. Worse, many physicians commit boundary violations by pressing anti-gun messages on patients.
Frankly, medicine has an institutional bias against guns. To counter this, DRGO has launched, a referral service that will connect patients with healthcare providers who respect their second amendment rights and who wont engage in anti-gun activism in the patient exam room.
Personally, I would prefer that there are firearms in the nursing home where my mother-in-law stays. The patients and and their caretakers are vulnerable soft targets.
I can see mum in law now, rolling to the floor & snap firing at that man with the syringe trying to sedate her so he can go all the way with her, eh?