Hold U.S. gun makers accountable for the reign of terror in Mexico
https://news.yahoo.com/guerrero-dont-shield-u-gun-111535848.html?fr=yhssrp_catchallBy Jean Guerrero
If it werent for U.S. gun companies supplying a steady stream of weapons for Mexicos criminal organizations, my then-16-year-old cousin Diego might not have been kidnapped in 2015. His mother, Veronica Rosas Valenzuela, might not be sifting through sewage searching for him this month in El Gran Canal de Ecatepec.
Tens of thousands of people killed by American guns in Mexico could still be alive. Most of the kidnapped and missing could still be with their families. Mexico would be a radically different country, without the grief and rampant terror of gun violence.
With only one gun store in the country and fewer than 50 gun permits granted a year, Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world. Between 70% and 90% of guns found at crime scenes in Mexico come from the U.S., including guns designed to appeal to the Mexican market such as a Colt .38-caliber pistol featuring an image of the Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata and the phrase: It is better to die standing than to live on your knees.
Earlier this year, the Mexican government filed a lawsuit against several U.S. gun companies, accusing them of knowingly flooding the country with illicit firearms, which have brought horrific levels of bloodshed.
The entire article at the link.

(14,559 posts)Gun dealers sell across country borders, violating treaties as well as US law and really just don't give a shit. Meanwhile the BATF&E hasn't had a leader in 5 years and when Biden nominated somebody to run the organization that regulates guns who believes in regulating guns he's defeated. WTF?
Support for actual gun control is at a 7 year low and it's still 5-3 in favor of more stringent control. Yet nothing gets done.
Talking to a Gunner is just like talking to an anti-vaxxer. Show them all the data and all the science and they STILL believe guns make them safer.
(153,130 posts)I hoped you would see this article. It's well-written.
(14,559 posts)Like that's a bad thing? If that happened the number of McDonald's and the number of gun shops would almost be even. Yeah, there are more places to buy guns than there are to buy a Big Mac.
(36,212 posts)CaliforniaPeggy
(153,130 posts)billh58
(6,650 posts)Peggy. Just like in Mexico, there would be far fewer gun deaths and injuries in the USA if gun sales, along with their use and storage were regulated.