Hardcore gunners are a bunch of sick fucks.
There's simply no other way to put it and there's a special place in hell for these pustulent growths on society.
I ran across this headline in a gunner publication:
Biden Using Veteran Suicides As Sick Pretext to Target Gun Dealers
The article correctly points out that more than 20 veterans commit suicide by gun EVERY DAY but then blames the VA and attacks Biden because, and I quote form the article, The Biden administration . . . will order the ATF to seek to revoke the licenses of dealers the first time that they violate federal law.
See, they don't really give a shit about the veterans it's all about the poor helpless gun dealers who cavalierly ignore federal law.
Allow me to share a little background on the problem of gun dealers ignoring federal and in some cases international law. There are 78,000 gun dealers (twice as many as McDonald's and Starbucks COMBINED) and only 700 ATF agents. About a third, 38,000 dealers, were found to have violated state and federal law but only 1.6% of them lost their license.
The ATF is the only agency that is smaller than it was 10 years ago. Through funding cuts and attrition it has not been able to maintain enough agents to actually monitor gun dealers much less police them. Biden's pick to head the agency (the first Director in a decade) was defeated in the Senate. The gun industry has also infiltrated the agency with sympathizers who ignore or bury violations of gun laws by dealers. Of all recommendations to remove licenses only 40% are acted on by political appointees at management level. If just one issue, gun trafficking to Mexico, were stopped 47% of gun stores would go out of business.
Read the article here: https://www.thetrace.org/2021/05/atf-inspection-report-gun-store-ffl-violation/ but do it on an empty stomach. From one ATF report, One owner told an ATF investigator that he was busy and didnt give a shit,
So, yeah, the Biden Administration wants to enforce the fucking law and take a few licenses but gunners see that as an all out attack on GUN RIGHTS.
Gunners, anti vaxxers, Jan 6ers all belong in the lowest level of hell stewing in a flaming pot of shit.
But that's just my opinion . . .

(14,559 posts)first to scream, "We don't need new laws, just enforce the ones we have!"
(42,649 posts)Until Antonin Scalia "discovered" the right of individual carry, which discovery necessitated the elimination of one half of the actual Amendment by calling it "merely prefatory", gun ownership and carrying weapons in public were slightly more regulated.
But that disgusting decision, in Heller v DC, opened the door to individual public carry unrelated to any well-regulated militia membership.
(38,616 posts)They seem to be terrified somebodys going to take their guns away and nothing has ever even come close to that
The Magistrate
(96,043 posts)That these people think violation of laws should not lead to sanctions. Talk to any police officer, and you will be told there are no first offenders. Pressed one might admit there could be some poor mope somewhere who actually did get caught the very first time he broke the law, but the point will remain: There are no first offenders, only people who've been busted for the first time over something they've been doing quite a while.
(6,564 posts)...filed against them in East Nowheresville, with a summary judgement of $10,000 against them if they don't show.
mountain grammy
(27,576 posts)paleotn
(20,054 posts)thus, they don't believe in rule of law. Lawless fetishists. Nothing more.
(162,406 posts)pathetic people
(25,496 posts)He joined a militia years ago, and swallows every extreme right-wing gun-humper bile that gets pumped out. Obama was a socialist communist Muslim. Hillary runs pedophile rings. You name it, he buys it. Spends THOUSANDS of $$ every years on guns, ammo, tactical gear. He thoroughly disgusts me. Holidays with him are very uncomfortable. After my Mom is gone, I won't deal with him unless I just have to. I only keep it cool with him for sake.
(14,559 posts)Lives below the poverty line and has more guns than butter. At least he is suspicious of any group that's organized, so militias are out.