2022 resolution!
I don't normally make resolutions but this year I resolve not to engage with the few gunners who are beyond redemption. I will ignore them and not reply to a single taunt. I will treat them as the pariahs they are.
There are only about 5 or 6 of them but they all worship at the alter of the God that is Gun.
One of them attributes every democratic loss to GUNZ. Never mind the other factors like a 50 year history of state governor offices changing parties. Nope, it's all guns and Moms Demand Action is so all powerful that they caused it.
One of them steadfastly refuses to link guns to gun violence and then in the next post says he didn't.
The one with the overly grandiose screen name is just an irritation.
The remaining can't make a post without a red herring or some other logical fallacy.
I'm going to do my best to keep this one.
(152,565 posts)You can most likely do this. Once you've made up your mind, the rest is (relatively) easy.