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This message was self-deleted by its author (Tuesday Afternoon) on Mon Sep 9, 2013, 10:38 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(17,671 posts)Since zero signifies nothing but holds a place among integers, it represents a void that might be filled. Conceptually, it offers us a place to go; a destination and the promise of completeness. Such a promise is a prediction about how we will feel, which is faith.
Response to rrneck (Reply #1)
Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
(17,671 posts)if somebody wanted it to be so. In a way, it might already be so from what I understand about Buddhism and zen.
Metaphors are everywhere.
Circles are a fundamental symbol in many cultures. Somehow I'm not surprised to find the conception of zero represented as a circle.
(18,621 posts)...the subset of every set is the empty set. The empty set has no members but exists itself as an abstract concept. For example, a set is: mug, glass, pitcher and {null}. If the three elements are removed from the set, nothing is left.
In a grand bit of Irish wisdom I could say that I can add nothing to anything and still have the anything I started with.
My Irish mum often told me that I was as good as half dozen dead ones so there must be some similar property to multiplication.
Mirroring this bit of charm is Murphy's (apparently Murphy was Irish) reflexive law of location: no matter where you go, there you are.
Response to discntnt_irny_srcsm (Reply #4)
Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
(18,621 posts)...this is:
Response to discntnt_irny_srcsm (Reply #6)
Tuesday Afternoon This message was self-deleted by its author.
tiny elvis
(979 posts)if nothing were the opposite of anything, then it would occupy a place that,
by its nature of exclusion of everything, allows no thing to exactly oppose any other thing
i mean that in this case the opposite of something is the opposite of everything,
and that would exclude the opposite of things being things,
because a designated place of opposition will not be occupied by both a thing and nothing
or even two things
the word is not the thing
zero and none are amounts used for sums
this is elementary and does not need repeated questioning
(3,220 posts)Nothing can't be something, or otherwise it would be something.
Now I feel like those two guys on Scary Movie 4.
(18,621 posts)..."nothing" is an abstract concept, which does make it something. Nothing is also a word.
Nothing, in the mathematical sense like zero, is and never will be any other value.
(8,155 posts)ZombieHorde
(29,047 posts)there is a religion called Thelema that teaches 0=2. The easiest way to think about this "formula" is to think of the Yin-Yang. Everything is one, but we fracture it with our minds.