Interfaith Group
Related: About this forumThe beginning of the fall of Republican theocracy in Texas
Rick Perry was indicted on two counts of felony corruption today, and Greg Abbott--Wendy Davis' Republican opponent for Governor-- is under investigation for securities fraud.
Rejoice! Rejoice greatly! (You'll just have to fill in the Handel setting yourselves.)

(71,265 posts)okasha
(11,573 posts)I always expect to hear glass shattering on that last high "King of Kings."
(71,265 posts)I invision rockets on skates singing this one;
(11,573 posts)"He shall feed his flock" and "O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion"
And of course;
(11,573 posts)And I love the rockets on skates--with lots of spins. One of the few real coloratura passages for men.
(71,265 posts)I hope you enj8y the music.
(82,333 posts)I missed a few good decades old man!
(82,333 posts)One of the interesting things I learned about Freddie Mercury is that he was born a Parsi and Zorastrian priests conducted his funeral.
(71,265 posts)rug
(82,333 posts)hrmjustin
(71,265 posts)I like the idea of putting the body on a hill fof the birds to peck at.
(82,333 posts)I was disappointed to learn he was cremated.
(71,265 posts)rug
(82,333 posts)Traditionally they do not accept converts and the membership is a function of ethnicity. But there are some reform minded groups that do. They neither proselytize nor advertise it.
Bleess the reformers.
(11,573 posts)I did manage to misspend some of my youth.
(82,333 posts)Not that I'm complaining.
(119,094 posts)Abbott is the current attorney general in Texas and running for governor. I believe that you are referring to the Republican nominee, Ken Paxton, who is running to replace Abbott as far as the investigation for securities fraud is concerned.
Abbott does have a lot of problems (Nugent, his role on the board of the state cancer agency CPRIT, etc.), but we must make a concerted effort to associate Rethugs with their miscellaneous crimes. Thus far, although he is repulsive, the only crime that Abbott might be tied into would be bribery from his campaign contributors which means proving a quid quo pro relationship and it doesn't look like it meets that standard--yet.
(11,573 posts)Correction noted.
(71,265 posts)I feel a kinship to you because you and I post the most in the state forums.
(119,094 posts)My sleeping patterns are erratic. When I left the crisis center I hardly slept on Monday night or during the day on Tuesday. I was having auditory hallucinations on Tuesday night and only had an hour of sleep that night also. I finally slept decently on Wednesday night, but last night was also only about an hour again. Thus far for the week I'm averaging about 4 hours which includes naps.
I feel like I'm making some headway on the SSDI process, but did see one job opportunity that I'm going to apply for back in Irving. If that doesn't work out and the disability is approved then I'll probably end up in Georgetown and see if I can take classes in the senior university of my alma mater. I might be able to tutor again or do volunteer work, but my days of working 50 hour weeks and more are done.
I understand the kinship about posting in the state forums. I consider that as my legacy and contribution to society. With the news today about the Perry indictment it might be enough to tip this state blue. Abbott is trying to play up his Hispanic wife and MIL in his campaign commercials to reach out to Hispanics, but I don't think he will be able the wool over their eyes like Bush did when he ran for governor. Seven out of the eight largest cities in Texas lean Democratic with Arlington being the holdout. I'm beginning to doubt if there are enough votes to make up the difference. People seem to be disgusted with the political scene in Texas and I can sense a change could happen in the election this year. I didn't feel this way a few months ago.
(11,573 posts)I wish you the best for your health and your SSDI application.
(119,094 posts)My friends on DU have been wonderfully supportive. I still can function for short spurts of time (2 hours or so), but I don't believe that I have the stamina to return to full-time hours or a high-stress environment like I previously worked.
Living on disability income won't allow a lavish lifestyle, but I'm not that concerned about material possessions. The one thing that I miss most is being with my cat in the lower left of my sig line.
(21,046 posts)I saw one half of Queen (Roger and Brian) plus Roger's son Rufus on drums, and Adam Lambert singing. They did a bang up job, busting ass for two and a half hours with no intermission. This was the North American tour in July.
Pretty impressive for two guys in their sixties. Brian's had a knee replacement. He said everything else hurt, but it was worth it!
Adam did a good job singing (the new kid) and I was impressed. Great show.
There's another chorus in the Messiah I have sung but can't recall the name of it. Fun stuff.
(8,170 posts)cbayer
(146,218 posts)we should be very wary of him because he had never failed at anything.
It is a profound pleasure to see him fail an fail spectacularly.
Go Texas!!