Interfaith Group
Related: About this forumMy church just burned down...
Nothing in any news so far but around midnight I was heading home from something else in the neighborhood and saw a few emergency vehicles heading the other way. By the time I got home I found out it was my church and it is a total loss.
No fights, arguments, hassles, enemies or other reasons to think of foul play. It just sucks. Really, really sucks.

(153,130 posts)Was there work being done? Perhaps an electrical spark or short of some kind was to blame.
But whatever the reason, you're right: this really really sucks.
I'm so sorry.
(43,049 posts)the only thing I can think of is some basement flooding from rain and snowmelt that may have cause a short somewhere.
But, whatever, an over 200 year old landmark just went "poof".
Big shock to a bunch of people when they get up later.
(43,049 posts)TexasProgresive
(12,402 posts)May this terrible event draw the people of this faith community closer to one another and closer to our Lord. May the other churches reach out with loving support.
Fortinbras Armstrong
(4,477 posts)I belong to a Catholic parish. A Baptist church was being built just down the street, and caught fire just before it was completed. My pastor had a second collection taken up the next Sunday, specifically to help the Baptists rebuild. Somewhat over a thousand dollars was collected, and a check was given to the Baptist minister. Apparently, the board of deacons had a fierce debate over whether to accept money from Catholics, and in the end the check was returned. My pastor put the money into the parish building fund.
(12,402 posts)We had no building of our own. We attended Mass in various churches in town- 2 Southern Baptist, I UMC and 1 non-denomination. The only ones who didn't welcome us were the Church of Christ (not to be confused with the United Church of Christ). You just never know, sometimes people change. This town 50 years ago was noted for being universally anti-Catholic.
(43,049 posts)it's not just the money-- it's the insult to a helping hand that none of us should be guilty of.
Catholics, Jews, atheists, the Christian Scientists up the road... Pretty much anyone reaching out to us in common grief and we only feel gratitude.
(We won't even draw the line at Republicans)
(71,265 posts)This happened to my parish in the early 80's and it was devastating but the parish rebuilt.
All you can do is be with your friends and fellow parishioners and plan to rebuild.
I am so sorry.
(43,049 posts)it will look like the old one but be newer and better.
(43,049 posts)ColesCountyDem
(6,944 posts)I am so very sorry, TB. What is now a reality for you remains a nightmare possibility for me. My church will be 175 years-old next year, and my only real fear for us is it burning.
(43,049 posts)denomination may have a plan for decent cheap coverage. We got ours through a UU program that seems to be part of a larger program, but I'm still digging through it.
(6,944 posts)Our denomination uses a brokerage to obtain group rates. We were required to submit an appraisal of our own, and the insurance company did one of their own. Fortunately, we agreed on the amounts for structure and contents.
(1,582 posts)Hopefully it can be determined what caused it - I think that would help people deal with it, and focus on what to do next.
(43,049 posts)have to have all the facts to deal with life. Sometimes it's better not to have them.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)I've never really given much thought to the possibilities of a church being destroyed, but obviously, those more involved in the fiduciary matters think those things through.
Was the church made of wooden construction? With the church being so old, I'm thinking that's likely.
I'm confident other congregations and perhaps even some civic organizations will reach out and make a place and time for your congregation to meet.
(43,049 posts)some large church program. And, yes, we've gotten a lot of support.
(11,804 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)okasha
(11,573 posts)I hope you'll be able to rebuild without too much difficulty. If your church had historic landmark status, grant funding may be available.
(43,049 posts)have much funding. Insurance coverage is good, though, so we won't be in that much trouble.
(29,414 posts)I do hope your community comes together for you, and you're able to get something built again.
(43,049 posts)carolinayellowdog
(3,247 posts)Any church of that era is historically significant, but Universalist churches are rare which makes this especially sad. My condolences and good wishes for rebuilding.
(43,049 posts)for any amount of money, but we have the memory of them.
And we're planning on rebuilding pretty close to the old plans.
(43,049 posts)I'm a trustee of the church and also a trustee of another nonprofit up the road from it. I did some quick calling and by 3AM announced I got the rest of the other board to agree to let the church use that building for services for a while.
By 10AM Sunday we had a line waiting for me to open up and we had the biggest attendance we've had in a while. Everyone was saddened, but upbeat at how everything was falling in place. The fire department (volunteer and fantastic) saved the charred and blackened bell that fell from the tower and dropped it off to great appreciation.
We're in good shape with insurance and energized to rebuild.
A lot of events, mostly secular, took place in the old church, and we just spent a bundle on new floors and organ repairs, so there's that disappointment. And groups who used or rented our space will have to find new spaces for a while. But it will all work out in the end.
No Vested Interest
(5,228 posts)come from this tragedy.
You have lost something dear to you.
Now the possibilities of looking forward will present opportunities that you might not have imagined.
Congratulations for moving ahead and moving on so quickly.
(146,218 posts)When I was a teenager, someone intentionally set fire to our church. My father, the minister, was actively working with gangs at the time and one of the members was pretty over the top.
Fortunately, the church was primarily made of stone and survived, but the smell lingered for a very, very long time.
I hope that you will rebuild soon and successfully.