Sikh puts religious rule aside to help boy
Sikh puts religious rule aside to help boy
Man removes turban and places it under head of injured child hit by car outside primary school.

Harman Singh (right) took the exceptional step of removing his turban in public so he could use it to cradle the bleeding head of a 5-year-old boy hit by a car. Photo / Supplied
Harman Singh did not think twice about removing his turban to cradle the bleeding head of a 5-year-old who had just been hit by a vehicle on his way to school.
Mr Singh, 22, was at home when he heard car wheels screeching, and then a commotion, and ran outside to investigate. "I saw a child down on the ground and a lady was holding him. His head was bleeding, so I unveiled my turban and put it under his head."
Members of the Indian community last night praised Mr Singh for his action, considered a hugely significant act of humanity by breaking strict religious protocol to help a stranger.
The accident occurred in Manuroa Rd just before 9am.
(more at title link)
I saw this thread in GD and thought it would be good to cross-post here.