Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumElizabeth Warren vows fight for gender equality in medical studies
Sen. Elizabeth Warren vowed yesterday to push for a new federal law to cut the gender bias from medical research if federal agencies such as the National Institutues of Health dont take steps to address the issue.
Medical studies need to include more data about the effects that diseases and drugs have specifically on women, Warren said at a womens health conference in Boston.
If the NIH puts new regulations in place that demand better parity in research, that will be a big step forward and we dont have to wait for legislation, the Democratic senator told reporters. If the NIH is reluctant, then its appropriate for Congress to step in.
A report from Brigham and Womens Hospital released yesterday found women are routinely bypassed as medical research subjects starting at the selection of male lab mice over females which means women end up with health recommendations that are really meant for men.

rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)BrotherIvan
(9,126 posts)If I thought a Republican was fighting for his constituents, i.e. people, but with a different ideology of how best to achieve that end, I might respect that. But that is not the case. Corporatists are traitors to the citizenry and should be called out as such. She is LEADING by example, not giving up before the fight. She may not win them all, but she is changing the dialogue and educating as well. I stand with her.