Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumX-posted from GD: Sen Warren says "I'm not running for president." And, it's true, she isn't. But...
It is common for potential candidates, at this point in the game, to deny they're running, as the above video from CNN points out. Now, watch the following video from Schmoe this morning...
First she is asked "Are you goint to run for president?", to which she replies "I'm not running for president." Fine, though she did not answer the question she was asked. And, I take her at her word, literally. Right now, she is not running for president. She is being the U.S. Senator from Massachusettes. She's doing her job that she has right now.
But then, she is asked: "Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good president?" Her response: "I think Hillary Clinton is terrific. We've got to stay focused on these issues, right now." Totally avoids answering the question and brings us back to RIGHT NOW.
Now, most of you (even those who don't want to see Hillary challenged) know how these things work.
Bookmark this: Elizabeth Warren will be in the presidential debates for the 2016 presidential election. If not, I'll eat ... a plate of strawberries covered in whipped cream. Ew!
EDITED TO ADD: May as well go ahead (if you can stomach it) and have a look at thise morning Schmoe segment:
http://on.msnbc.com/1mz9HTj Start the video at 3:36 to see the relevant portion.

Mike Nelson
(10,488 posts)...positioning herself to run if HRC is sidelined.
(53,475 posts)VanillaRhapsody
(21,115 posts)perhaps she wants a VP consideration as well.
Mike Nelson
(10,488 posts)mmm
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)just like herself for the VP spot. Besides, Elizabeth Warren would never consider a VP spot -- she's a WHOLE lot smarter than that.
(21,115 posts)derpity derp.
and Elizabeth Warren would NEVER put her support behind Hillary Clinton she's too smart for that.....oh wait!
Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she hopes Hillary Rodham Clinton runs for president in 2016 the latest in a series of declarations of support by the Massachusetts Democrat, who some have speculated could seek the Oval Office herself.
"All all of the women Democratic women I should say of the Senate urged Hillary Clinton to run, and I hope she does. Hillary is terrific," Warren said during an interview broadcast Sunday on ABC's "This Week," noting that she was one of several senators to sign a letter urging Clinton to run in 2016.
Warren is a favorite among many liberal Democrats, and the release of her new book, "A Fighting Chance," has stoked speculation that she may consider a presidential run in 2016. Warren has repeatedly insisted she will not run for president.
"I'm not running for president. I'm not running for president. I'm not running for president." Warren said in a series of video clips shown prior to the interview.
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)As usual, the fanboys/girls have to make shit up to try and be relevant. Another fail. So sad.
(21,115 posts)except that she says she is NOT....but why take HER words seriously right? Why take anything she has said up to now as fact....since you have a direct connection to her brain and all.
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)and neither is Hillary. Once again, making stuff up, or to use terminology of those who have limited debating skills . . . DERP.
(21,115 posts)Oh and Hillary Clinton is a LOT more likely to run than Elizabeth Warren....Hillary hasn't outright denied it!
There is your difference....DERP!
Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)I didn't dispute that so apparently, you're arguing with yourself.
Carry on.
(21,115 posts)You know those women better than they know themselves huh?
(135,425 posts)The last sentence is Elizabeth Warren's. It's not "made up shit."
Want more?
Don't believe your own eyes...don't believe the words that are coming out of her mouth. Would you prefer to believe that she's just a big liar? Yeah, that's the ticket!!!
No need to get all shirty and say snarky things like
Another fail. So sad.
Particularly when you can see video after video of Senator Warren saying she's not running for President.
(57,936 posts)present tense is different from the future tense.
I want Elizabeth Warren to run. As far as I know, no Democrat other than Bernie Sanders who needs to become a Democrat before he can be a Democratic candidate has announced.
My take: Elizabeth Warren is not running for president at this time, but if there is a huge momentum in her support, she could be persuaded to run whether Hillary runs or not.
If you read her book, A Fighting Chance, you will learn why Elizabeth Warren got interested in politics, what she cares about, who she is and what a wonderful president she would make.
I support Elizabeth Warren because I agree wholeheartedly with her values. I care about what she cares about.
I don't want to spoil the book for you so I won't say any more. Just read it. If you can't afford a copy, ask your library to order it. And get your friends to ask your library to order it also if your librarian doesn't wan to do it.
Just read the book and you will learn why so many people want Elizabeth Warren to run for president.
Her issues are my issues.
(21,115 posts)do you understand the words that are coming out of Elizabeth....Warren's.......Mouth?
she SAID she is NOT running for President....not running for President ....not running for President. Yeah she said it THREE times to reiterate the idea...
But you would rather just call her a liar....I see...
"I'm not running for president. I'm not running for president. I'm not running for president." Warren said in a series of video clips shown prior to the interview.
(57,936 posts)But if enough of her really try to persuade her to run, who knows? She might run. If you read her book you may discover that you really want her to run. I do.
(21,115 posts)do you speak for her....or does she speak for herself? Or is she not an "honest broker" like everyone claims she is! Either she plays games or she doesn't. I say she doesn't mince words.....
In fact I think that is one of her most endearing qualities....she says what she means...
(57,936 posts)Elizabeth Warren may not be planning to run, but wait until real Democrats have read her book. She may have to run. She may have no choice. We shall see.
Anyway, Bernie Sanders has said he will run if no other progressive steps forward. I could just as easily back Bernie if he runs as a Democrat as Warren.
Have you read Warren's book, A Fighting Chance?
(21,115 posts)I take her word for that....
Does she or does she not seem like the kind of woman that knows what she thinks? Does she come across as a "waffler" to you?
(57,936 posts)She has never said that she will not run.
(21,115 posts)She said "i am not running for President...I am NOT running for President....I am not running for President"
What part of that.....says she "might" run?
The reason she said that....was because she was being interviewed about her book....and it was suggested she wrote the book because she IS running....she said that in response...
(70,692 posts)FOR THE WIN!!!!
(21,044 posts)or Jeb, Rand Paul. Maybe Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers can get together and appoint someone.
(47,380 posts)Right now, no one is running.
(34,589 posts)It will probably happen.
And she'll probably win.
Otherwise, our country may be toast.
(575 posts)Her body language says something else. I read tea levees too....
Elizabeth Warren 2016

(21,115 posts)
....is pretty emphatic..