Elizabeth Warren
Related: About this forumThe sudden surge of Third Way tactics to take down the draft of Elizabeth Warren for President
Please see(or not)~
Elizabeth Warren plays Ted Cruz role with House Democrats
Bipartisan breakthrough? Liberal Dems, Republicans cling to hope Warren will run for president
BS attempt to manipulate & cause fear in Democrats.
The article below spells it out nicely~
In which we learn that Elizabeth Warren and Ted Cruz are by no means the same
It is an interesting place in which Senator Professor Warren finds herself these days. If it's not progressive nuisances acting as though she's running for president, even though she's not, it's Republicans virtually daring timid Democrats to align with her so that they can then be defined by Republicans as radical redistributionists or some such nonsense. Naturally, the elite political press is above all this petty foolishness and trickery. It simply casts the whole business into the basic paradigm of Both Sides Do It, and it finds a template that does not require the messy business of actual analysis.
To wit: Elizabeth Warren Isoh, excuse me, "plays the role of"Ted Cruz.
One former Democratic staffer turned financial services lobbyist compared Warren's involvement in the House to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who frequently meets with House Republicans. "Elizabeth Warren is the mirror image of Ted Cruz, and if we aren't careful, she'll drive the Democrats into the same ditch Cruz is trying to drive the Republicans," the former Democratic staffer said.
This person is an idiot and should not be allowed to hold anyone's money, including their own. Is there an indication that Warren will shut down the government if she doesn't get her way on the TTP? (And that's leaving aside the self-evident fact that , as it turned out last fall, the Republicans ended up not at all in any kind of ditch.) Ted Cruz is an authentic extremist; his views on church-and-state are blatantly theocratic, and his notion of the federal union stopped evolving when the results came in from the presidential election of 1860. Elizabeth Warren's primary mission during her time in the Senate is the re-establishment of an economic order with which most people were happy from 1945 until the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. There's nothing radical about the Glass-Steagall Act. There's nothing extreme about supporting both Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid in their traditional forms. On the other hand, Ted Cruz has gone a long way toward mainstreaming crackpot notions that everyone thought dead and buried with the Goldwater campaign, if not the Confederate States of America.
Cruz's campaign deployed a brand of Glenn Beck-like Tentherism, warning, among other things, that the United Nations was plotting with George Soros to get the federal government to crack down on golf courses in the name of sustainability. He pledged, à la Ron Paul, to eliminate the departments of education, commerce, and energy, along with the TSA and the IRS. He floated ideas that were unorthodox by traditional GOP standards but pet issues among Federalist Society types, including the use of interstate compactsan agreement between two or more statesto nullify the individual mandate that is the backbone of health care reform. His theory, drawing on Supreme Court precedent, is that once Congress green-lights such a compact, it will supersede whatever federal law is in place, acting as a backdoor veto.
Today, Warren announced that she would support Chuck Schumer to replace Harry Reid as Minority Leader of the Senate. Ted Cruz has dedicated his entire careerand seems poised to dedicate his entire presidential campaignto telling Mitch McConnell and the rest of his party's leadership in the Congress to pound sand. Which of them is the radical again?
The comparison is stupid and wrong, but it is quintessential Washington political journalism....

(7,830 posts)17 hours ago
(14,255 posts)So, yeah.
Jackpine Radical
(45,274 posts)controls your foot.
(17,997 posts)zeemike
(18,998 posts)They will do it shamelessly now if Hillary's inevitability points start to drop.
(7,830 posts)3/31/15
Time to ramp up comparing Warren to Cruz and the FDR/Democratic/Warren Wing to Teapubs.
(18,998 posts)To minimize the lefts people by comparison....well at least they use it that way.
(23,730 posts)especially when that party would rather lose with a corpo than win with someone principled," and "left-right extremist fusion" will mean "won't stand frozen until Wall Street blows the whistle"
(18,998 posts)They want party loyalist against party loyalist and together they can marginalize the ones who just act on principles as radicals.
The goal is to maintain the status quo.
(1,717 posts)to use his own name. "One former Democratic staffer turned financial services lobbyist . ."
And they call that journalism? Seriously?
Response to FairWinds (Reply #5)
RiverLover This message was self-deleted by its author.
(1,717 posts)Kevin Cirilli in "The Hill," in which he makes use of
anonymous sources.
Sorry, don't get your point.
(7,830 posts)comprehension problems.
Going to delete now, bleh.
(3,795 posts)Of course, it's vitally important that we do so.
(85,262 posts)

(7,830 posts)becomes real.
This I agree.
(7,549 posts)choices for President really are. There would be no reason for them to be spending this much time and effort slinging mud at Senator Warren and her backers unless they seriously think the draft Warren movement will in the end succeed in getting her to change her mind and run, and even if it doesn't, at the very least she has enough political clout with rank and file party members to influence the way policy is shaped in a major way.
If they think throwing manure at her and by extension we her supporters, is going to shut us up and or somehow magically convert us to their side then they are very poor students of human nature. It usually has the opposite effect. It will make the likelihood of converting us or just convincing us to stay silent even less likely.
Let's just say it reflects more negatively on their candidates of choice than ours.
(57,936 posts)demwing
(16,916 posts)maybe I missed the sarcasm here, and I know you didn't write the article, but don't you have a "Warren for President" sig line?
Are we in the Progressive Nuisances Wing of the Democratic Party?
(6,852 posts)I and I am tired of all the draft Warren talk. SHE IS NOT RUNNING. If she was I would be up in Boston working on her campaign. But it is a waste of time and money. Some people really have their heads in the clouds.
(7,830 posts)Then you don't have to be tired of it anymore.