Elizabeth Warren to Head to Long Island City on Friday for 2020 Organizing Event

via Elizabeth Warren on Facebook
March 6, 2019 By Nathaly Pesantez
Elizabeth Warren, the U.S. senator from Massachusetts who announced last month that she would be running for president in 2020, will be in Long Island City this Friday for an organizing event.
Warren will be at The Arc, the new Kaufman Arts district venue at 36-30 36th St., on March 8 for the 7 p.m. event, according to details from her campaign page.
The Long Island City location marks Warrens first stop in New York for her presidential bid, where she is running a grassroots movement focused on ending Washington corruption and rebuilding the middle class.
The Massachusetts senator said in her early February campaign launch that this is the fight of our lives, and referred to President Trump as just the latest and most extreme symptom of whats gone wrong in America.
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