7/10/13 Collection of Good News

In the grasp of the artist, seated at a Riverside kitchen table on Tuesday morning, the brush moved swiftly and effortlessly across the canvass. The painter paused only when he looked up to mix a rich array of oil colors in his palette.
As the artist worked, the canvass soon transformed from a blank surface into a vibrant beach scene where palm trees arched over the water and boats rode shimmering waves.
This latest work is just one of the hundreds of paintings created by Jesús David Mendez Sequeda, a 17-year-old from Bucaramanga, Colombia.
He has painted since he was 5 years old, with a passion for using oils to depict the landscape of his homeland.
FULL STORY HERE: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/158704-painter-excels-at-art-despite-having-no-hands/74996/
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