Who is The Real News Network & all parts of their interview with Chris Hedges
TRNN is the best source for independent news in video format, bar none, that I have found so far. On par with Amy Goodman and Bill Moyers - but with a broader perspective. They also have a regular segment with Bill Black on the shenanigans of the banksters, very enlightening. Only imho, of course.
Here is their home page http://therealnews.com/t2/index.php
Here are all parts of their interview with Chris Hedges
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4 &feature=player_embedded
part 5
part 6
part 7 is a Q&A &feature=player_embedded
They have an entire series with Lawrence Wilkerson that is very, very enlightening as well.

(84,711 posts)And, good Resource as we move forward and want to catalog the folks who Guided by Speaking Out as we go forward into new elections and want references.
(17,751 posts)'Reality Asserts Itself' - RN Interviews - Youtube Playlist

(5,379 posts)or there goes my plan to retire to bed (1 AM here) with Noam Chomsky. 's book.
Thanks for the pointer
(17,751 posts)Guess its going to be a late night for me.
(84,711 posts)
(5,379 posts)Christopher Hedges, on the sentencing of Jeremy Hammond (who hacked Stratfor), says there will be no free press without figures like Hammond and Manning
And I think that's the point, that when you shut down the possibility of a free press, when there is no judicial or legislative oversight--and there isn't anymore--then the abuse of power becomes rife, especially when you build walls of secrecy. And the last best hope are these people who can break down those walls and make public that information which we have a right to know. We have a right to know that the government is criminalizing our forms of protest and attempting to treat us as if we were terrorists.
JAY: And the state then has an absolute right to secrecy, and it has an absolute right to make sure no one else has any secrecy.
HEDGES: If it's totalitarian. And that's what corporate totalitarianism, which is a species of totalitarianism, is about.
I guess we can call this "part 8". Looks like Chris is gonna be a regular on TRNN

(5,379 posts)&feature=player_embedded
(2,921 posts)personal life and what actually took place with the NY Times. Interesting interview thus far, but I'm pacing it to absorb as much as I can. His take on the MSM is astute!
rhett o rick
(55,981 posts)BelgianMadCow
(5,379 posts)Part 1: (Vid & multimedia forum link here)
The Pathology of the Rich
Chris Hedges discusses the psychology of the super rich; their sense of entitlement, the dehumanization of workers, and mistaken belief that their wealth will insulate them from the coming storms.
Part 2: (Vid & multimedia forum link here)
Credibility of the Ruling Elite is Being Shredded
Chris Hedges says that while people are disgusted with the centers of power, unless there is a constructive alternative, any eruption will be nihilistic and could be fascist
(2,921 posts)sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)catch up with their reporting. And spreading around this kind of real journalism is essential to begin the changes necessary in this country.
Hedges is a real journalist. No surprise we never see him on the Corporate Media. They can't handle real journalism which is why I consider all of them to be 'not credible'. It's interesting though, that even left wing blogs still accept the Corporate Media as 'credible' while not accepting RT eg which gives voice to people like Hedges among other excellent journalists. Doesn't matter, people are now getting their news ANYWHERE but from the Corporate Media.
(5,379 posts)very weird. It suffises to read anything by Chomsky to understand MSM = propaganda.
Now, RT has Thom Hartmann, Abby Martin and Larry King. Two out of those I regularly watch.
Plus, I also find that often, when I look for truth about party A, I have to look at party B and vice versa. Nowhere is protest in the west covered like on RT, and nowhere is protest in say Ukraine covered like in the western press, for example.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)on our 'credible' Corporate Media. I get to see, for as long as I can stand it, Kathie Gifford's dog (I love dogs, don't get me wrong) and his latest little outfit or some other Celebrity telling us what to eat or whatever. Maybe I don't spend enough time watching, but in the morning when I want actual news, I haven't found it on the Corporate Media. So we switch to RT and the new channel we've been getting lately which does some great interviews, CCTV.
The Corporate Media is NOT credible. It is biased, it excludes important voices, and is not worth watching imo.
Judi Lynn
(163,083 posts)navarth
(5,927 posts)one of the greatest sources of real news out there. Can't be beat.
They used to have some wonderful interviews with Gore Vidal, I imagine they're still around.
I just watched the interview with Peter Linebaugh, what a historian that guy is. He lives near here and I know a guy that knows him. Hope to share a beer with him sometime.