Screwing Over America with TPP "FAST TRACK"--Bi-Partisan Senate Does the Deed..
"Congress Introduce Bi-Partisan Bill To Abdicate Its Own Role And Screw Over American Public All At Once"
We knew this was happening sooner or later, but Senate Finance chair Max Baucus, along with ranking member Orrin Hatch, have introduced the "fast track authority" bill in the Senate. Over in the House, the same basic bill has been introduced by Rep. Dave Camp. There had been rumors that the introduction of the bill would be delayed because not a single House Democrat would co-sponsor the bill, but apparently the existing bill supporters decided not to wait. Fast track authority or "trade promotion authority" is a very dangerous concept. It is basically Congress completely abdicating its Constitutional authority under Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, which grants Congress the sole power "to regulate commerce with foreign nations."
Instead, what fast track authority means is that Congress is saying, "that's okay, you guys in the administration can handle that." Basically, it's Congress flat out telling the White House and the USTR that it, and not the Congress, can come up with trade agreements with foreign powers, and Congress will tie its own hands in being able to challenge or review the various provisions. Instead, it will limit Congress entirely to an up or down vote on the entire trade agreement. And, in this case, the fast track authority will be used to approve the TPP (and likely TAFTA/TTIP after that). These are trade agreements that, as we've already discussed, are designed to help certain legacy industries at the expense of innovation and the public. Specifically, this would grant the administration four years of "fast track authority" with an easy three year extension after that.
The most ridiculous part is that the sponsors of the bill that will give up Congress' own powers are claiming that it does the opposite:
TPA-2014 also provides greater transparency and gives Congress greater oversight of the Administrations trade negotiations.
Uh, no. It does the exact opposite. It takes away Congress' Constitutional powers to regulate commerce with other nations, providing less oversight for trade negotiations and guaranteeing even less transparency than the almost none that exists today. The sponsors of the bill are pretending that the details in the 107 page bill "instruct" the USTR how to properly negotiate things like the TPP, but it's basically just repeating the USTR's existing wishlist. Included are, of course, a section on the importance of "high standards of intellectual property protection" as well as support for dangerous corporate sovereignty tribunals, commonly referred to as "investor state dispute settlement" plans.
While this bill is moderately bipartisan in the sponsorship (with Senator Baucus selling out the majority of his party who is opposed to it), it's the Republicans who are the driving force behind this. And that makes no sense at all. This is the same Republican party who shut down the entire federal government to block the president's healthcare proposal, and has spent years attacking anything that even has the mild stench of the executive branch taking on a role that goes beyond what the Constitution allows. And yet here they are gleefully handing over the Constitutionally-given reins for regulating foreign commerce... to the president they hate? How does that make any sense at all?
(94,246 posts)Max fucking Baucus is a DINO, on a bad day he's worse than the most egregious republican you can think of. He's one of my Senators and I wish he had gone long before this.
(84,711 posts)Richard Burr is a "bought and sold" Republican.
The two vote the same...but we are "TOLD" Kay Hagan the Dino Dem is our Hope. Yet she votes with Burr...( a wee bit better on social issues). So we vote for the DINO who Does Free Trade and Iran Sanctions as Votes....and the Repug who Votes the same. BUT...Hagan tries to support Women's rights and Gay Rights and that's why we need to keep her in power. (Those are Important Dem Issues...but, when our Country is going down the Crapper on the OTHER ISSUES) is this a Trade Off that is good for all of us? Doesn't it all come down to both Women and Gays in this terrible economy suffering job losses, income equality and NSA Spying on Us and Targeting Us for our Democratic Beliefs?
Should Dems be a "Two Issue Party?"...(with a bit of gun rights and weed legalization) thrown in to "sweeten the pot: while we fall apart economically and keep the MIC War Machine victimizing our poorest children as recruits.
I don't know anymore.....(and...I figure some will take this post the wrong way) but, there's more to being a Democrat than defending Social Issues while the Repugs and Third Way Dems GAME US into POVERTY with their support of Wall Street and the "99 Percent SOLUTION...against Labor and the Rights of their Workers.
It's disgusting all around.
(94,246 posts)I am at the point of giving up. I've worked all my life and have little to show for it, no retirement, no house of m own, hell even the bank still owns my vehicle since I had to use it to get a loan for dental work last year, the rest of my body isn't happy about all the work I've done, and no safety net while I have been a loyal member of the working clas for nearly five decades. Pisses me off and makes me depressed all at the same time.
And IF there are aliens from outer space out there watching and waiting for us to do something with ourselves, I wish they would come and fix this shit cuz I can't imagine there are any humans who can or are willing to. I am glad I'm geeting pld so I won't be around to watch when it gets really bad.
sabrina 1
(62,325 posts)the 'left' calls them out. On every issue these faux Dems are working for Corporate America, but when Dems call them out, instantly they are 'reminded' of how 'they support women's rights and gay rights'. It's become nothing more than a tool to get them into the Dem Party. Because those are issues they actually don't care about, one way or the other.
As a woman I am no longer fooled when I see these Corporate Dinos being touted as pro women and gays, because they are far from it. IF they were, they would not be touting Right Wing policies that so adversely affect Women, Gays and everyone else economically?
There's nothing more insulting than being taken for a fool. And we have been. But more of us are waking up, a little late perhaps, but better than never.
(14,255 posts)keep us wagging our tails with social issues and fuck us with the economic issues.
It should not be an either/or choice, and it is ridiculous - and, IMO, immoral - to act as if it is.
(84,711 posts)Split Apart. And how we deal with this is going to come to local. I don't know how we do it but the Democratic no longer the Political Party of ALL THE People...but the Party of Special Interests with the Lobby/Money Pacs...and it isn't the REST OF US...
Same with the Repugs with their VILE/EVIL position on social issues while their own people suffer because this US ECONOMY...caters to the Rich and letting the Bankster Crooks like JP Morgan and his handsome face...Jamie Dimon get away with paying Billions in Fines (How the Heck can Any Company Afford that and Stay in Business) while they Still RULE their Companies? They can find some low level who serves a few months in a "select for wealthy only prison" somewhere that the many of rest of US Citizens pulled in for lesser minor offensives serve in "Hell Hole Prisons" with Murderers, Pedophiles, Bank Robbers and much more agressive offenders.
Our SYSTEM is appearing more and more Broken.
It needs to be REPAIRED and we (the Citizens) need to try to get on top of this Locally...because we've tried it Nationally with Obama and Dems before...and it just isn't getting fixed. Because it's always .....some reason/excuse.
But, I feel we can do it the coming years...but it isn't gonna be easy and hasn't been for a very long while. It might have to ALL CRASH...and we pick up the pieces...but in the long term the "Rights of the People" will and must come back into control...or we are truly doomed. I still am trying to be hopeful about the young who always find a way for change. Let's hope it's the Good Change...and not to the Darker.
Joe Shlabotnik
(5,604 posts)The strategy is to keep the masses bitterly polarized and fighting each other, dazzled with occasional controversies, hyper vigilant for imaginary communists and terrorists alike, and scared shitless about losing what little income or security is left. All the while the plutocrats are quite bipartisan when it comes to vacuuming up wealth and consolidating power.
(5,379 posts)Time for the resistance to coalesce and sustain the pressure & awareness. Spring will come.
(50,983 posts)Social issues are only the tool.
Just for once I would like to see them do what is in our best interests. JUST FUCKING ONCE!
(50,983 posts)This should have hundreds of recommendations. I guess the people are asleep.