Related: About this forumAnyone want to hang out and get high?
Got the house to myself for the day. So I am relaxing and trying something new: it's called Tiger's Blood. From a series called Supers by Juicy Joints. Anyone ever tried one before? I'm told they're pretty strong. But I have no particular place to go.
Might be nice to have some company while I try it.

(39,139 posts)This is my first bottle of the 9. So far I like it better than edibles but I still like flower the best.
(26,193 posts)what an invite!
I'll think on it and get back to you.
We take a dog walk with our friend most days at 2. She lives a few miles up our country road...
I typically wait till later; don't like to exercise high. BUT - for you I would HAPPILY make an exception!
Hope it smells good!
(69,223 posts)
It smells a little spicy
(26,193 posts)Some say skunky...I say sweet!
By the way - the only use for vapes is subterfuge, IMHO. Yuk! Amirite?
(69,223 posts)So far, just some pleasant lightheadedness.
Ive been needing this for a while
(26,193 posts)Enjoy, Aristus. I'm there in spirit, if not in smoke...
(69,223 posts)
(27,852 posts)Carts are strictly for sub rosa use IMO. In private,
Unwind Your Mind
(2,234 posts)Im spoiled with the prerolls. Theyre all I want anymore
(27,852 posts)As for vapes, some are pretty harsh. Besides, its like trying to draw a thick milkshake through a skinny straw. Definitely not my first choice, but theyre hard to beat for discretion.
Marcus IM
(3,001 posts)Never mind that the vast majority voted for legalization.
Pian management advocates are howling bloody murder... "Small govt" Repigs don't care.
(95,712 posts)In Montana. We had to put it on the ballot and vote for it four times before they stopped obstructing the will of the people. Four election cycles... and that was for medical use.
It took eight to make recreational legal but we won eventually, even with the magats running the legislature. The Judiciary is still on our side, we elect them too.
(26,193 posts)I was surprised to find that I could use my debit card for a purchase at the weed store??!!
I don't believe we can, in WA. Or maybe only under some circumstances...
Anyway - it was a first for me!
(95,712 posts)And what the county decided about fee collection, it's complicated. Where I go, they only take cash but they have an ATM where I can use my debit card. Once it's federally rescheduled, banks will be able to host accounts for the weed vendors all over the country.
(26,193 posts)I see.
(27,852 posts)The service is called DutchiePay.
It must be set up beforehand and transfers funds from the account you link. Ive used it in a couple of states and it works flawlessly.
(39,139 posts)There is no respect for the will of the people unless they are the people. We are forced to live with guns, guns, gun but they get to put the same crap on the ballot over & over again.
(10,709 posts)No Satanic herbs allowed here is the BuyBull Belt in NC. But impregnating 10 year olds and forcing birth is all good in their Gawds eyes.
Meth, Shine and shootin guns are good too.
They do it out of Gawds sight and show up for church 3 times a week.
So I can just look at pictures of beautiful buds from herb stores we never envisioned as a youngun. . None of that seedy, dusky brown, smells like dirt shit from back in my outlaw youth.
I need a damn road trip.
(39,139 posts)

(10,709 posts)I got old little mountains here. Need some young rugged ones with predators to make me stay alert.
Forest Service vs Park Service. U.S. Forest Service allows dogs here. How about your way. All I gotta do is outrun my dogs to survive. Just kidding, I would fight to save them as they would me.
As long as I am far away from Boebert territory, all is good.
(39,139 posts)I'm betting Bobert won't have any territory after June, her primary.
(95,712 posts)Sounds interesting.
(23,342 posts)Yesterday I picked up some flower called Gorilla Glue. It's sticky and strong but smooth and effective in a sativa way.
We're in the Lower Catskills and awoke to 2-3 inches of fresh powder. It's been snowing off and on all day with the sun peeking out every now and then. Right now there's blue sky across the river but it's a mini blizzard over us.
A perfect day for a smoke and an adul beverage while listening to Jackson Browne and enjoying the snowy forest.
Hope you're having a grand day,, Aristus. Here's my last DU heart!
(69,223 posts)Nice to have such enjoyable company.
(23,342 posts)Of course, I meant "sativa" not "saliva!"
(Damn auto-correct!)
(69,223 posts)I guess Im deeper in than I thought
(600 posts)That's from the same maker of Tigers Blood(which I don't mind) They are a strong one because they are infused.
(69,223 posts)I envy the Canadian people so much right now. Im down in Washington State. So near, and yet so far from political stability, affordable healthcare, and better social stability.
(600 posts)So we are neighbours. I have family in Washington State and Oregon.
(69,223 posts)From your high neighbor.
(12,837 posts)byronius
(7,683 posts)I use a vape pen.
(3,213 posts)I've learned that Grape Soda doesn't make me cough unless I turn my pen all the way up. A bunch of carts will make me cough no matter the strain or plant. I'll buy cheap flower (whatever's on sale) and make cannabutter with it. I made about 40 cookies with an ounce of flower the last time.
(50,434 posts)FalloutShelter
(13,104 posts)I thought youd never ask.
(69,223 posts)Enjoy!
(27,852 posts)Ive never had the tigers blood,, but I do enjoy a good infused number occasionally. I prefer sharing them because of the potency, but if I go solo, the infused joint will last all day or perhaps into the next day.
Ill share a technique that may brand me as a heathen with purists. I fill the small bowl of a bong with flower, then add a dab of concentrate and light the candle. I stay close to the bowl to inhale the smoke directly once it gets going, not letting anything get wasted, besides myself.
(27,852 posts)but I lit this candle today in honor of this thread.
Im not even halfway through it. Yep enjoying this infused preroll.
(3,213 posts)Talk about music, strains, things of interest. No politics to harsh the vibe would be a rule. Be kind would be another.