A new shopper’s high for 420: Marijuana-themed products are smoking hot
Marijuana is not just for getting baked anymore. As it becomes legal in more states, the wacky tobacky also is leaving its leafy green mark on American marketing.
From backpacks and bed sheets to toilet seats and thong underwear, cannabis culture is inspiring pot-themed products faster than Wiz Khalifa can burn through a dime bag.
And in advance of 420 a kind of Stoners New Year celebrated on April 20 plenty of people have been shopping for legal ganja goods, even where the drug is still vilified and against the law.
On a recent day, Kerry Baker (yes, thats her real name) browsed the marijuana-themed products at Spencers Gifts in Oak Park Mall.
420s (here) and I have to represent, said the 25-year-old Leawood woman, who sports a small marijuana-leaf tattoo on her neck. For so long, weed was just underground. Now its starting to come into the light. And even though its not legal here yet, just look at all these weed products you can buy at the mall. Theres a growing market for this stuff. And that probably means more changes are on the way.
Of course, critics are holding their noses at this trend. Some decry the products influence on children. Others worry about the message they send about a drug thats still federally illegal.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/living/article18781734.html#storylink=cpy