Related: About this forumH.R.420 - Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act let this happen!

(18,421 posts)Quemado
(1,262 posts)It's time to legalize it and tax it.
(8,882 posts)it will always be a state-by-state issue as was appeal of prohibition. I have come to believe that the GOP and it's followers just love to make people just as miserable as possible. I'll use the State of Texas as an example. Although a majority of Texas would approve of decriminalization or even legalization of marijuana it will probably never reach the ballot by the powers that be. The same holds true in Washington. It is an example of the difference between a Democracy and a Republic.
(2,678 posts)states thumbing their noses at federal law and hinted congress may get involved. Burr doesnt trust the FDA, saying the banning of menthol cigarettes might be a precursor to cannabis legalization, ala Canada. The MADNESS continues!! 😡