Martin O'Malley
Related: About this forumMartin O'Malley is a Democrat.. this is so important to me
I am a Democrat and I will support the Democratic nominee.. I believe in my party.. So is Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton they are both Democrats.. Elizabeth Warren is not running.. Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat, he is an Independent, but he may change his mind... have to wait and see on that. I see a lot of angst about more people jumping in... It is better for everyone if we have more people running that is for sure.. It hones our policies and stances..
Hillary Clinton is the only announced candidate. So till others announce, it only makes sense that all the juice of the upcoming primaries would be going her way as of now.
As more people announce for candidacy, those who are running will all be better for it

(9,033 posts)If you look at Bernie's actual positions, you may really like the actual Democratic and democratic nature of them. I care about policies and not labels. If it takes an "Independent" label to signal that the Democratic party has strayed too far from its roots, to inspire a whole new generation of voters, to reclaim the apathetic and even to poach some from unlikely places I am just fine with that. In my experience so far, even my Republican friends and relatives are open to some of his ideas (granted, it is a very small sample).
(11,626 posts)I don't think Martin O'MAlley has strayed from the Democratic Party at all.
A lot of people aren't aware that he helped to close corporate tax loopholes wile he was governor.
(9,033 posts)Quite honestly, I think O'Malley and Sanders better exemplify the path I would like to see the Democratic Party as a whole take, as opposed to "moderate" "centrist" "Third Way" route.
(11,626 posts)Last edited Thu May 21, 2015, 03:01 PM - Edit history (1)
you did not say.
I totally respect Senator Sanders. There are very few (if anything) things I disagree with him on. HE and Governor O'malley are VERY close on many many issues.
For me, the big difference (and I said it in another thread here in the group) is that O'Malley has gotten many of the things he cared about passed into law. That is not a slam on Sanders at all. It's not for his lack of trying. He's had an uphill battle for quite sometime, there is no question about that.
I know where Sanders stands. I know where all three of our candidates stand.
I have seen more executive action (albeit from a state level) From O'MAlley than I have from the Clinton or Sanders when they were/are in the senate.
As much as I know so many people want a firebrand, and I include myself as one of them, we need people that can get legislation put into law.
O'Malley is a progressive Democrat in my opinion. He has made a lot of inroads in Maryland to making progressive laws into reality.
Also, the fact that the Repubs like to call him a tax and spend liberal? That pleases me to no end.
(edited to fix really bad typos and such)
(9,033 posts)on the same page, no offense taken. I have thought for a while that O'Malley would be an excellent candidate and one that I could cheerfully support. To the barricades!
(34,487 posts)He has been able to get things done.
(23,765 posts)Hes a good man.. He is not a Democrat..And why am I so stuck on that? Because once the primaries and caucuses are over, and we start setting up offices.. it is people like me..who do the grunt work to get someone elected. And having that party behind us to help with lists, for calling.. and starting to set up coffees and candidates who will run down is HUGE.. I can't tell you the number of times I have donated old folding chairs for the office.. cleaned off my own desk to bring in materials to get the office set up for what ever candidate we have running.. I do not know how it is in other states..but so a lot of donating in my state just to get the office set up
Gov. O'Malley and Senator Sanders are both in my wheel house philosophically.. I have been down the road a number of times watching candidates who are running as Indys or their own party go down in flames eventually because they just do not have this group of volunteers behind them.
I will vote for the Democratic nominee.. I had no inclinations to work this campaign.. I am getting older and time for the 40 somethings to step up.. but I will be honest with you.. if Gov. O'Malley does announce.. I will get back on the horse and walk the neighborhoods, and put up sign and call the lists..
(9,033 posts)Bernie is officially running, and he is running for the Democratic nomination, not as a third party candidate or an Independent (btw Vermont does not register voters by party). And I believe it only took a day or two for 200,000 people to volunteer after he announced (of course, we'll have to see who actually follows through, but that is a very high level of support and enthusiasm).
That said, good luck to us all.
ETA: didn't realize I had posted in the O'Malley group; sorry to veer kinda off topic...
(11,626 posts)I don't think discussing other candidates is a bad thing. I think crapping (for lack of a better word) on other candidates is bad for the party in general.
Overall, I would like to see a shift in how we (outside of DU as well, this is important to me) debate the issues that matter. Obviously, the is the MO'M group, and as such we are here to support this candidate.
Speaking for myself I feel I can advocate for the candidate that I feel will be a great Democratic nominee without tearing down other candidates.
And that In my view includes pointing out differences
Primary season is a very long process. I am a Democrat. I have no use in making enemies.
That said, I will advocate for this candidate. I don't think you had to explain your post in this group. It was fine!
(11,626 posts)WE had so many great candidates in 2008. We had nothing to be embarrassed about I would put any of our Dems against that clown car they have over there any day.
I with ya, Peace!
(23,765 posts)Hubby and I caucused for Senator Obama, while my son was precinct captain at caucus for Joe Biden at the same caucus .. and my baby brother who lived in South Dakota was stumping for Hillary.. That was a so much fun..