Working Poor
Related: About this forumLinking to post in GD 'When are we ever, as a people, going to start to _try_ to make this country '
Snagged this from GD
Lets try to keep the discussions there until it gets too dirty there.
When are we ever, as a people, going to start to _try_ to make this country less miserable - Democratic Underground
By ProfessorPlum (7,464 posts)
When are we ever, as a people, going to start to _try_ to make this country less miserable
and a happier place to live?
We slave away, with little to no vacation, we pay the equivalent of the cost of a very expensive new car for every kids' education (or the cost of a house, depending on where they go), our economic lives are ruined if we get sick, our rich commit crimes with no consequence, and our corporations write the rules that govern our daily existence.
Meanwhile, in France, Germany, Scandinavia, and many other places, people are much more free to pursue their happiness, raise their families, have excellent educations, and simply _exist_ without having to go begging to their corporate overlords at every turn.
The slavery mindset that is this country's original sin has never left our bloodstream, from the desire for cheap/free/forced labor that fires every employer's imagination, to the servile mentality of our workers.
Cmon, let's stand up on our hind legs and demand better. The humans and the pigs are getting harder and harder to tell apart.

(14,255 posts)There are those in both parties working to make it the norm.
It is all, entirely, about more and more money for the 1%. The effects of that are shrugged away, dismissed with a wink and a false promise to make things better.
I am not sure what to do, really.
(67,112 posts)w0nderer
(1,937 posts)Actually it's ProfessorPlum
who said it
When are we ever, as a people, going to start to _try_ to make this country less miserable
sorry, i'm still trying to mangle out some bugs in my link-copy addon
the only thing we can do is keep fighting
if we fight for a good world on earth, and keep telling people to do that, then perhaps we will be deserving of the world we manage to build --quote by w0nderer-just now(2016-04-29) (yes, I'm arrogant enough to quote myself :-p )
(4,879 posts)I have a lot of knowledge to offer here, but I will probably be booted from DU because of my political believes.
(1,937 posts)and i'd like to see more and in here 'working poor' as well