I have a lot of dealings with hospice.
In Montana, they will help you shower, provide specialized equipment, and often get people access to morphine. They're not perfect, but they're helpful more often than not. You should definitely check them out for your area. Hospice is very good in my area.
Who administers pain medication if I need it?
In Montana, the nurse or med aide on shift will give you your pain meds. The charge nurse, or whomever, should deal with that end of it. The roughest part will likely be when you first sign up and all the paperwork and evaluations are going on because your new pain meds won't be in your MAR right away, unless your nursing home, pharmacy, and hospice have a sweet digital MAR set up, and they all have decent communication skills. Most places like hospice because there are legal benefits for the facility if their residents are on hospice, so they should be happy to work with you.
Hospice is likely different from state to state, so you'll have to get specific answers from them.
Ask them what personal services they provide. -probably showers, check ups, end of life bureaucracy, and pain management
Ask them what equipment they provide. -probably hospital beds and mobility devices
Ask them what pain management they provide, and if your nurse/med aide can give you the meds. -the med passers at your facility should be able to do this, but ask
Ask them if being on hospice changes your status, such as from full code to dnr, if you care about this.
I definitely think hospice is worth investigating.