37 Percent Of St. Croix, 48 Percent Of St. Thomas And 47 Percent Of St. John Now Restored With Power
The Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority in its latest restoration update said that more than 20,500 customers in the territory have been restored, representing 36 percent of St. Croix; 48 percent of St. Thomas and 47 percent of St. John. Additionally, 37 percent of Water Island has been restored, according to the utility. Above, WAPA employee Michael Ettiene works alongside stateside linemen in a Sion Farm neighborhood to restore power.
On Monday, WAPA published a restoration schedule for the next two weeks detailing areas where crews will be restoring service. WAPA remains committed to its previously stated goal of restoring 90% of all areas in the territory by December 25.
WAPA reminds customers that homes with temporary roofs (blue roofs) will be restored with electrical service once a licensed electrician has certified, in writing, that the structure is safe to energize.
If work needs to be done to repair a damaged meter base and/or weather head, customers must call the Emergency Call Center at 340-774-1424 on St. Thomas-St. John or 340-773-0150 on St. Croix. The call centers operate seven days a week, 9 am 5 pm.
Read more: http://viconsortium.com/featured/37-percent-of-st-croix-48-percent-of-st-thomas-and-47-percent-of-st-john-now-restored-with-power-wapa-says-heres-the-latest-update/