Democratic Primaries
Related: About this forumIf I were Joe, tonight I would stress the "who can get things actually DONE?" theme..
I'm all in for Joe, so I admit bias here. But I think Joe should, and will, stress his executive experiences Obama's right hand in the debate tonight.
At this point, I believe it is that certain amount of experience in perilous times that is going to win it for Joe.
I know I would feel safer having the steady hand of a trusted leader in perilous times than a candidate whose policies I largely support but who lacks that executive experience that Joe has.
Wow, the coronavirus crisis sure changed things fast...
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Apollo Zeus
(251 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(65,400 posts)I think so, but did I dream that???
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(27,338 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,531 posts)gotten to anyway. Say you're making $13, and in another year you'd be raised to $15. At $13 you get bonuses and incentives that would equate to $15. Now you're getting $15 period. No more incentives. Just a guaranteed $15.
It is a pay raise in minimum wage, but not necessarily a pay raise, one Amazon employee, who has worked inside company warehouses for five years, wrote to Recode.
In this instance, the upset employee already made $15 an hour, plus between several hundred dollars and a couple of thousand dollars a year in bonuses, partly based on attendance, he said. Amazon also previously granted some workers, including this one, company stock currently valued at around $1,880 per share.
But with the new increase in minimum pay at Amazon, the company is removing incentive-based bonus pay right before the busy holiday season, where bonus pay used to increase. Amazon will also no longer give away stock grants for hourly workers.
Amazon says that those who already make $15 an hour will see a pay bump of $1 per hour and that, overall, the compensation will be more immediate and predictable.
It's more of a win for Amazon than it is for workers.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(43,049 posts)He can get things done and hire the right people do do them.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(65,400 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(9,263 posts)Joe should say this in every response to the attacks from sanders and HIS people
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(3,075 posts)I would talk about how this crisis emphasizes our need for Medicare for all.
70% of Americans back it, it's not a radical idea, our lives may depend on it.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(47,255 posts)he's likely to get more reforms passed through Congress. And we need that kind of stable experienced leadership to get us through crisis.
This is not the time to shake things up. And Dems in congress don't just fall into line with a radical president the way the GOP has for Trump. There is still plenty of diversity of thought on the Dem side so it's better to have a less divisive president.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(53,528 posts)He has developed good relationships with career, appointed, and elected people and worked with them.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(58,785 posts)on each new item, ideally, he does. I'm sure you could name any 2 states in this nation, and he'd have a good notion how their power blocs were likely to align and collide on any issue, and why, and what would have to be done.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(65,400 posts)voice, urging us on to a more just and equitable society.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(58,785 posts)I've read that many of those who haven't noticed, or dismiss it, are being drawn by the "romance" of calls to revolution, a great movement their grandparents parents (old people) didn't already make happen.
"What awaits over the revolutionary cliff? Why, the light of a just and equitable society! We can see its glimmer on the edge from here." Thank goodness most of us know what happened to all the nations that were pulled, kicked and tricked off that cliff.
Respect for truth and genuine commitment to just and equitable society are what are needed in greater supply these days. We actually all have plenty of aspiration. And we have plenty of people who know how to make it happen because we have before.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(65,400 posts)were blunted by the demogogic candidate who rallied and fooled those who cannot/will not see what a democracy is. With the Electoral College in the mix, we had the worst possible outcome.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(58,785 posts)True investigation has been blocked. But, emember, Hillary was way ahead of Trump for most of 2 years, Trump himself expecting to lose right up until election night, until autumn 2016 when things went very weird. Like never before. Or since until Iowa.
It is scary and appalling how many people seem to be vulnerable to manipulation by sophisticated mind-fucking techniques aimed specifically at them, then and now, on top of other means of election theft. But I don't believe millions of Americans who said they intended to vote for Hillary and against Trump in poll after poll for two years actually voted their own intent, any more than majorities in Germany and most other nations that fell to the Nazis actually chose them.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden