Democratic Primaries
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With only one candidate remaining, how can anyone around here still be "Undecided"?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden

(2,375 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(7,774 posts)It needn't be a protest. We're just not posting in the primaries forum.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(1,729 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(25,061 posts)I'm too lazy to put Biden. Maybe I just don't want to. I still prefer Warren.
Of course I will vote for Biden. But, he's not my primary choice

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(4,401 posts)Mine..couple days ago...1st choice was.....

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(17,289 posts)go by the color:
I'm voting BLUE, no matter who!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(1,126 posts)Vote blue!

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(42,862 posts)It's a passive-aggressive swipe at Biden, and a reinforcement of the "Lesser of Two-Evils" bullshit. The time for pouting and disappointment is over. We've known for quite a while now that Biden is our party's nominee. It's not this is some shocking surprise that happened out of the blue without any warning.
The adults and mature-rational voters who live in the real world have had plenty of time to come to terms with the fact that their favorite candidate dropped-out or wasn't chosen. The time for weeping is over. The time for protesting is over. The time for taking cheap-shots and swipes at our party's nominee is OVER!
It's not at all difficult for anyone to make known that they support the Democrat. It's just two clicks away.
Just go here: ... and click to support Biden. There are no other choices. Just Biden. He's our man.
Joe/Kamala or Biden/Harris 2020!!
They're stronger together & can't be bought!!
Jump on the Biden Bandwagon & let's take back America!!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,524 posts)Other candidates are still on most (all?) state ballots. In fact, knowing Biden will get the nomination (eliminating any concerns over electability, for example, or someone you REALLY don't like getting the nomination) actually frees someone to simply make known who they would truly prefer in an ideal world.
I changed my preference to Biden when Warren dropped out, for reasons I described at -- reasons I believed he was a better choice than Sanders who was the only other potentially viable possibility at the time. But in fact, now that I don't have to worry about the nod going to Sanders, I might very well vote for Warren if she's on my ballot, to make that statement of support. (Though as it happens, this site does not let me switch my displayed preference away from Biden!)
At any rate, I don't believe in purity tests, and I respect anyone's decision to display or not display their preference, for whatever reason. Nobody on this site is obligated to announce their voting preference to the world.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)Instead, what we are doing is letting you (and others) know that the snub and middle-finger being given to our party's choice is very obvious.
And as you correctly noted, people are completely entitled to live in some "ideal world" fantasy and vote for a candidate who has ZERO chance of being our party's nominee. Just as loyal Democrats such as myself and others are entitled to name that type of behavior and call it out for what it really is.
All I'm saying (and repeating for clarity) is that this type of behavior is a passive-aggressive swipe, snub, and intentional insult being hurled at Biden, and it's a reinforcement of the "hold one's nose" and "Lesser of Two-Evils" bullshit.

Joe/Kamala or Biden/Harris 2020!!

They're stronger together & can't be bought!!
Jump on the Biden Bandwagon & let's take back America!!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,524 posts)In a sense, the OP makes that argument (or at least raises that question) simply by asking why people have not declared for Biden. Who says we have to? Why make such an assumption that people need to declare for anyone?
Not "openly" if it's done in a secret ballot, which is what we do in this country. Not a "snub" to put forth someone else's agenda is the one you'd prefer. (Or a woman, or whatever other statement you feel you'd like to make with your primary vote, when it no longer has any relevance toward actually selecting a candidate.)
You are not the arbiter of what "really is." And unless you're Kreskin, it is very presumptuous for you to tell others what they are thinking.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(42,862 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,524 posts)As I see it, what he is asking is, "with only one candidate remaining, how can anyone around here still be 'Undecided' ?" You are ascribing a particular motivation to the question, whereas it could also simply be taken at face value. But either way, my answers would be the same.
I meant it's not openly when it is done in the poll booth. (That's what I was talking about when I said "frees someone to simply make known who they would truly prefer in an ideal world" -- I meant at the poll booth. Sorry if that was not clear.)
As for displays of support on DU, it is currently not possible to display support (in the manner discussed in the OP) for any candidate other than Biden. Yes, someone could create a public proclamation as you say, but that's not what the OP here was talking about, nor what I was talking about. The only display option here (as discussed in the OP) is to choose Biden or to leave it at undecided. The latter of which is not necessarily a middle finger to Biden. It can be respecting the time honored tradition of keeping one's vote to oneself (again, no one is obligated to make this info public). It could be that you choose to vote for someone else to make your enthusiasm for that person known in a way that won't interfere with Biden's nomination (which does not necessarily equate to a knock on Biden). Or maybe you honestly have not yet decided whether you will choose to do that or vote for Biden. It could also be that you ALREADY voted for someone else in your primary. Or it could be that you just didn't think that changing your icon was important enough to bother with. Whatever. I think you're seeing middle fingers where they are not intended. Some may be dissing Biden, but there are so many other possibilities!
Here's a real world example of a similar thought process. After the last Biden-Sanders debate, my significant other said she didn't particularly care for either of them, and didn't care which of them won (though of course whoever it was, she would vote for him in November), so she said she'd still vote for Warren if she were on the ballot. You may not like it, but being a Democrat doesn't mean you sign up to be part of a mindless cult who all must think in lock-step with everyone else. She's allowed to have a mind of her own, and decide how she would personally like to express her Democratic ideals. Whatever she chooses to do, nothing she will do will help Trump in any way.
Personally, I saw pros and cons to both Biden and Sanders, and explained why I settled on Biden in the post referenced earlier... and for the reasons expressed there, I was committed to voting for Biden as long as there was any chance it could be a real contest. The funny thing is, I had given this no further thought since Sanders suspended, and had not even considered the possibility of not voting for Biden until this thread stirred me to think about whether or not that was still what I wanted to do, once it was certain that Biden would be the nominee regardless. So ironically, now I'm not sure how I'll vote! But I have plenty of time to decide about that. Actually, if I were to take the caption literally, "If I were to vote in a presidential primary today, I would vote for:"... my honest answer would be I wouldn't vote. I already know Biden will be the nominee, and I would just stay home, since I am part of an "at risk" group, and don't need to take an iota of risk to merely make a statement, regardless of what that statement were to be. But we'll see when the time comes. (I also don't yet know whether there is any other race or referendum on my ballot that day.)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
flying rabbit
(4,819 posts)Never really had a solid choice. Wondering why people are even worried about this. The forum will be shut down soon any way.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(11,003 posts)
Enough badgering.
The "D" logo is the logo of the Democratic party. Meaning, we will vote for the Democratic nominee over the orange piece of shit now occupying the White House.
Last I checked, MF45 wasn't running in the Democratic primaries. So the fact that someone else was preferred over Biden isn't an indication that posters here would vote for MF45. Just that Biden wasn't thought to be a first or best choice to beat MF45. Because that's the goal, and a lot of us think that candidates other than Biden would have a better chance of ousting MF45.
Just because someone doesn't personally see it that way doesn't mean that everyone else has to change to suit them. As another poster commented, it's like a bumper sticker. I won't put a Biden sticker on my car, but I damn well will keep the two anti-republicon and anti-tRump stickers on it.
The uncessant badgering doesn't help Biden. Quite the opposite, in fact.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(8,147 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
George II
(67,782 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(42,862 posts)It's clearly a snub of our party's nominee that looks a lot like pouting. You know perfectly well that I wasn't born yesterday. I'm not stupid, you know. Everyone knows exactly with it means.
Look... all I'm saying here is that we're all adults here and there has been plenty of time for people to get over the "shock" and disappointment that their preferred candidate did not win (or did not go further). The time for grieving is over. This is politics, not the loss of a loved one. The time for unity is now. The time full-throated and enthusiastic and unbridled support of Joe Biden is now. Joe Biden is our party's nominee. Trump is the enemy who must be defeated. We cannot afford the luxury of lukewarm "support" nor can we afford the negative attitudes of "holding one's nose" or "lesser of two evils" bullshit.
It's time to get with the program.
Joe/Kamala or Biden/Harris 2020!!
They're stronger together & can't be bought!!
Jump on the Biden Bandwagon & let's take back America!!

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)If displaying undecided is perceived as a snub or pouting round here by some then so be it. Biden does not generate enthusiasm in me so outside of casting my vote in November thats about all I can produce. Ill leave the cheerleading to those like yourself who possess genuine and sincere enthusiasm for the presumptive nominee.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(283 posts)It is used by a very loud and vocal minority to bludgeon a quiet majority.
It is a binary choice like being pregnant or being on a boat.
You may not be flying first class on the Biden jet while sipping champagne and eating canapes. You may be sitting in coach, in a middle seat eating a small bag of pretzels -- but you have the same destination and you'll get there at the same time with or without enthusiasm.
So perhaps it is time to not complain about the lack of leg room and enjoy the flight?

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(13,784 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(71,046 posts)Sanders and worked my ass off to elect him...Trump must go... I am seriously sickened by such an attitude. And if Trump were to win some need only look in the mirror and see part of the reason why.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Response to George II (Original post)
gristy This message was self-deleted by its author.
(28,835 posts)Some are doing it as a protest.
Some probably don't realize that it's changed automatically by the system.
Some are doing it to be divisive, and it often works. Those posters should be ignored at this point.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(283 posts)Should be a question for the people who manage the IT of the site

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(3,063 posts)will vote for whatever has a D after it's name.
Therefore we are decided.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(148,664 posts)Previously, I believe, when a candidate dropped out and was dropped from the list of choices people could make, their preference was automatically changed to undecided.
Perhaps that also took place when only Joe Biden was left, changing all those who had selected Sanders to Undecided.
However, I see no way to change that to Joe Biden now.
Perhaps those of us who selected Biden earlier are left with his face in our posts to indicate that we supported him all along or earlier than the ones now displaying an Undecided box.
I'm not sure, though, what the reasoning was. I'm just glad that the situation has changed and that JOE BIDEN IS THE PRESUMPTIVE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE! All the rest is irrelevant.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(11,003 posts)which is the avatar of the Democratic party. Meaning, we'll certainly vote for the Democratic candidate over the ghoulish mango piece of shit on the Republicon ticket.
Biden is not our first choice of Democrats, but we'll still vote for him. So the gloating and badgering by other Biden supporters should stop.
It doesn't help.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(3,974 posts)Not because I think that he has any chance at the nomination but because I like his policies and the more delegates he has going into the convention the more leverage he will have to influence the party platform.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(44,961 posts)If Sanders had won the nomination, would you have taken the position that the level of support won by Biden and other candidates should influence the platform?
Or, if Sanders had gotten the nomination and won the election with 52 percent of the popular and electoral college support, would you accept the proposition that Sanders should be strongly influenced by Trump's policies based on his level of support?
Of course you wouldn't.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(3,974 posts)No about Trump.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(48,443 posts)feel the need to make a choice of one particular candidate. I am sure 99% of them will vote for Joe in November, just as they would have voted for any other nominee.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(4,035 posts)is a no-brainer, regardless of whom we supported in the primary (former KHiver, here ) For others, not so much. They need to be "wooed," as twitter's resident Crooker T. Washington, Shaun King tweeted yesterday. According to him, VP Biden must "earn" their votes.
Me? I've read my history. I know Hitler gained power because the far-left figured he'd "bring on the revolution" by crushing their mortal enemies, the moderate left, and I want none of it.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(16,395 posts)Im voting D no matter who got the nomination, so I never cared to get into it in the primaries forum.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(6,021 posts)people just have not switched

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(3,922 posts)Most of us haven't changed our original preference yet.
Once the candidate,other than Joe, drops out - it becomes Undecided.
I just changed mine - of course I will vote for Joe.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(10,411 posts)I seriously cannot be bothered about it. Its probably going away soon anyway.
Were in the middle of a historic pandemic. Why isnt your internet graphic what I want it to be?!!!! isnt even in my top 100 list of concerns.
Eesh. Priorities.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(1,662 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(19,486 posts)Despite the deep bench because he had the best chance to earn the nomination.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(19,817 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(9,463 posts)

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(8,312 posts)Since at that point, after casting my vote, I went into "blue no matter who" mode, I figured the big blue D was quite appropriate under my posts.
And besides, if it's supposed to be internal polling vs some kind of "loyalty test", at this point the question is as moot for everyone as it was for me on March 4th.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Once my primary vote was cast, my decision became moot. Of course I will vote for our nominee regardless. At this point, my attention is better spent down-ballot, where I still have some decisions to make in runoffs.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(427 posts)Warren - it was clear Biden was going to be the nominee and it seemed like that part of the process - debating whos the best candidate - was over. I support Biden!

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(2,694 posts)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,536 posts)Some people perhaps need time to process their disappointment. When Warren dropped out, it took me a couple of days to shift gears and support Biden.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(9,818 posts)Joe Biden, Donald Trump, or "Undecided"

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(12,011 posts)I still plan on voting for her if my state is ever able to hold its primary and she's still on the ballot, because now that the race is over I see no harm in voting for the person I really wanted to vote for. Obviously, I'm going to vote for Biden in November.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(27,430 posts)We don't have to be enthusiastic supporters. Either the forum should be shut down, or should be resetting everyone's preference to a simple D.

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(19,382 posts)No use changing when only one left in the primary.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(6,309 posts)There are now only two people running for president. Joe Biden, and that orange piece of shit occupying the White House. Last time I checked the math, that was a total of two.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(10,625 posts)to compete for votes and delegate in the remaining primaries while his surrogates continue to undercut the presumptive nominee. He's just moved to a form of guerrilla warfare. But he's still running.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(28,448 posts)Hasn't happened yet...

primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(7,702 posts)I did not want to make it known because who knows who is reading this forum and whatnthye may do with the info.

primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden