Biden 2020
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Three polls posted today by a fellow DUer for Iowa, NH, and SC. While it is still way too early,
the results are very impressive:

(159,255 posts)still_one
(97,764 posts)are tending to move
(11,662 posts)Biden is on a very strong track. According to a lot of these early numbers, Joe is beginning to build the broad coalition that pushed President Obama to victory. His numbers in South Carolina are nearly 50%, a lot of which is based on the strong ties and relationships the man has nurtured over decades. That's going to serve him well when voting actually starts.
Another thing I caught on the recent Harris poll published by the Hill: the number of people identified as moderate to conservative was really large, vastly outnumbering the liberal to lean-liberal numbers. Somewhat disappointing. I would have expected those numbers to be closer. But it underscores Pelosi's warning: if we want to win, if we want to obliterate Trump and his enablers (as we must) then we need to support the center-left mainstream.
This isn't the only poll that reflects this. Upshot at the NYT published a study early in April indicating the largest swath of Democratic voters are in the middle, center left. That's where the votes are, not on social media, be it facebook, Instagram or Twitter where the voices herald Sanders, AOC and Democratic Socialism. That's not where the bulk of the Democratic Party lives; it's just not.
We can't say we haven't been warned this time out.
(3,853 posts)2020 will be no different. Despite Trump's crimes he still sits with a 40-45 % approval and we know many republicans who may not approve of him will come home to the GOP on election day. Biden is the only candidate in my opinion who can hold on to the Dem base and attract enough Independents and a few sane Republicans (never Trumpers mostly) to get to a majority of the vote. His pick for VP on the ticket should be someone who can excite the base but not cost us Independents. I think Harris, Klobuchar or Beto fills the bill but there are probably others.
(11,662 posts)I'm more convinced of this as time goes on. As for VP choices? I'd be thrilled to pleased with any of your suggestions because all three (particularly Harris and O'Rourke) offer strong, dynamic Democratic voices and tilt to the future. Klobucher would bring her midwest creds with her. But then, there are others equally strong and vital that could fill the bill.
We shall see.