Warren 2020
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Warren rocks
She means what she says, her politics are born of a genuine anger at the way people are victimized by the financial sector, she's incredibly smart and well-learned about financial fraud, she understands demand-side economics, and she responds to political attacks instead of pretending she is above them.
Despite America's well-demonstrated misogyny, I am convinced that she would be the best at navigating the intricacies of political and economic messaging, dealing with the legislative branch, negotiating from positions of strength, and seeing through the schemes of the elite to continue their stranglehold on the wealth of this country.
In short, she is the best in the current field to actually be president. We'll see what the campaign brings.

(4,429 posts)
(16,649 posts)She's got it all and I believe she is our best candidate by far. I think she'll shoot up in the polls and fundraising $$$ once the debates have started. Here's to Elizabeth for President 2020!
(2,274 posts).. our best chance to win myself. As noted she's smart, tough and FIGHT'S! That's what we need imho. I'm saddened a bit that she isn't polling higher but..... we'll see I guess.
(12,036 posts)
(12,046 posts)I love her sincerity and her grasp of policy and ability to explain it. If I have any reservations they surround her elect-ability. In some ways I think she will be susceptible to the misogynist attacks that hurt HRC. For me this is more about America's shortcomings than those of either candidate. I also realize that argument is also a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we reject a candidate because we think America is too sexist then we are participating in sexism. I'm trying to balance this with my number one criteria which is defeating Donald Trump. For right now I'm all in on Liz.
Mc Mike
(9,191 posts)Progressive politics, competence.
(58,785 posts)Fwiw, much as I like Warren, I clicked her name a week or two ago to show support of a good person and plan to do that for a couple others I'm especially interested in, because it's too early to get emotionally invested in any candidate. Like so many, I'll ultimately be voting for the person I guess will be the most electable good Democrat.
I'd be delighted if that turned out to be Elizabeth Warren, though.
Here's Center For Public Integrity's summary on her. https://publicintegrity.org/federal-politics/elections/presidential-profiles-2020/elizabeth-warren-campaign-election/
Like any other federal political candidate, Warren has been limited in the amount of money she can collect from individual donors. But she nonetheless has raised $34.7 million since 2013 more than half of which came from donors giving less than $200, small individual contributors. She still has $12.5 million in her U.S. Senate campaign account, which she can use toward her presidential bid.
Btw, From a linked source speaking about Open Secrets data on past elections -- remembering she just swore off big donors:
These figures make clear that the (Democratic) senators are giving up relatively little money by swearing off donations from corporate PACs it just isnt a very big portion of their overall campaign funding."
Well, yes. Btw, that source, The Intercept, finding very little PAC influence on these Democratic senators, suggested there must be some secret source of (Democratic) funding to explain DC's massive corruption, but the author kind of failed to mention or look at the Republicans. Mitch McConnell received 20% of his funding from PACs from 2013-2018, also over 50% from large individual donors, and 4.7% from small contributors.