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'How Elizabeth Warren Learned To Fight,' A Very Impressive Piece
Daily Kos Poster 'calebfaux,' June 24, '19. From: The New York Times, 'How Elizabeth Warren Learned To Fight,' 6/24.
Im still keeping an open mind, I want to see how candidates respond and perform. But I find this NYT piece tonight interesting and impressive. Its very much worth the read. > A few key excerpts, trying to respect fair use:
(NYT) When she was 12, her father had a heart attack. Ms. Warren describes what happened next in A Fighting Chance. He came home from the hospital changed. He ate poached eggs with the yolks taken out and got yelled at if he tried to lift grocery bags. His job as a salesman for Montgomery Ward was downgraded to commission-only. Pauline, who was 50 then, had to go to work for the first time in her married life. The episode is now a staple of her daughters stump speech.
Her parents drank, her mother yelled and her father seethed. One day, her mother, crying in an upstairs bedroom, jammed her body into a formal black dress that no longer fit, and walked to a job interview at Sears.
I stood looking at her while she tugged on the zipper, Ms. Warren wrote. She rubbed her eyes with another Kleenex and blew her nose. She stood still for a while. Finally, she lifted her head and looked straight at me. How do I look? Is it too tight?
Writing about it as an adult, Ms. Warren would show that the experience had left her with a deep understanding of working-class pain: At its root is a feeling of worthlessness and an instinct to hide from the world.
Her father, she recalled, told her that the shame of failure had nearly killed him. He wanted to die, she wrote. He wanted to disappear from our lives and from the earth and from everything that had gone wrong. - Continued...
More, https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/6/24/1867022/-Very-impressive-piece-about-Warren-well-worth-the-read-How-Elizabeth-Warren-Learned-to-Fight?utm_campaign=recent

(40,267 posts)That quote about her father tells you she knows from desperation.
Im a big believer in desperation, in that theres a lot of it out there. Its the rare politician who gets that in her bones, is committed to doing something about it and has the knowledge to make it happen.
(43,448 posts)quite this much about her father's experience. A difficult time with much pain as she revealed. Photo of them.
Warren with her parents Pauline & Donald Jones Herring & daughter Amelia at Rutgers Law graduation, c. 1976.
freindship 7
(10 posts)She has everything I have ever hoped for in a president someone who strives for justice and works her heart out for ordinary people like me