Why Warren can not win the presidency
This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by Omaha Steve (a host of the Warren 2020 group).
I saw this in the Biden group but can't post my response there
Star Member MRDAWG (144 posts)
Why Warren can not win the presidency...................
First: I love Sanders and Warren but for a Democrat to win they need a motivated African-American voters. Last week I saw on MSNBC a poll showing VP Biden has 49% support from the Black voter. Warren and Sanders had 13% and the others less than that. The motivation is just is not there. When Biden is the nominee and Obama comes out for him that will provide the motivation needed.
Answer: The question should be:. If Biden doesn't win the nomination and Warren does, will African Americans a) Vote for Warren in the general, b) Vote for Trump , c) Vote for someone else, d) Who's Elizabeth Warren. If the answer is a or d then this will no matter. And there is pretty good evidence that Elizabeth Warren is leading in the second choice category.
Second a Democrat needs Independent voters support. Sanders has said he is a Socialist. Warrens policies (I like them), will be easy to show as Socialist.
The Independent voter thinks Biden is liberal but don't believe he is Socialist.
Too many Independent voters will hold their nose and vote for Trump. They do not want a Socialist president.
Answer:. Maybe, but there is good evidence that the socialist label isn't what it once was.