5 reasons why Elizabeth Warren has the best chance to beat Donald Trump
There is some interesting anaylsis of the 2016 election here. Per the author, that works in Elizabeth's favor.
The Trump victory didnt result mainly from a mass exodus of blue-collar Democratic voters to the Republican candidate.
Its true that 9.8% of voters changed their votes from 2012 to 2016. But only 3.6% of voters moved from President Barack Obama to Trump. More than half of these were offset by the 1.9% who switched from Mitch Romney to Hillary Clinton leaving a net loss of only 1.7%.
The lions share of vote-changers were the 4.3% of the voters who moved from Obama in 2012 to a third-party candidate or to not voting for any presidential candidate in 2016.
Of course, much of the net loss of vote-changers was concentrated in critical electoral states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Ohio.
The loss of white working-class voters to Trump was definitely a component of Clintons defeat. But a greater component was that so many former Obama voters elected not to vote at all or vote for a third-party candidate.
It's a good read.