Elizabeth Warren Dreams Big in North Carolina

On the night before the general election in 2016, Hillary Clinton finished her campaign with a midnight rally at North Carolina State University. On Thursday, Elizabeth Warren stood just a few miles away at Broughton High School, on her first trip to North Carolina, with stops in Greensboro and Raleigh on her way down to South Carolina. By 6 p.m., the schools gymnasium was packed to the gillsthe campaigns final estimate was 3,550 in attendancewith supporters mostly sporting Warren shirts and teal signs bearing the campaigns slogan: Dream Big, Fight Hard.
... Warrens event was billed as a town hall but operated more like a rally with a brief question-and-answer session at the end. A number of North Carolina legislators were in attendance on Thursday, capped by Representative Deb Butler. In September, as North Carolina Republicans capitalized on an absence of House Democrats to override Governor Roy Coopers budget veto, a video of Butler forcefully condemning the process went viral. In endorsing Warren during the kickoff of the program, Butler alluded to the Massachusetts senators own 2017 fight against Mitch McConnell, which produced the now-infamous line Nevertheless, she persisted.
She knows the difference between service to country and service to self, Butler said. Shes got bold ideas for big problems and shes not afraid to talk about them.
Joining Warren in North Carolina was Massachusetts Representative Ayanna Pressley, the lone member of the House squad of left-wing freshman legislators who endorsed her over Senator Bernie Sanders. Upon taking the stage, Pressleywhose father lives in Chapel Hillreceived a standing ovation from the crowd. This room, this looks like a movement, she said.
Pressley hit on all of the themes that she and other progressives in the House have been pounding the drum on for the ten months theyve been in office, notably that Donald Trump is a symptom of a broken system and not an aberration. Were not going to stop at getting one man out of the White House, because no, weve got much more work than that, Pressley said. The injustices that have led to this moment of crisis were cemented in public policy long before that man descended an escalator at Trump Tower.
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