The only thing wrong with Elizabeth Warren's campaign is the sexist way we react to it
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Updated: 43 minutes ago
by Will Bunch
There was a six-word moment Monday night during in CNNs hour-long town hall with Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren that summed up the dark cloud that constantly hovers over her 2020 presidential campaign. Its a shadow that has nothing to do with her ambitious plans to close Americas wealth gap or even the GOPs favorite stalking horse, which surrounds her past claims of Native American ancestry.
How, a bright-eyed female Harvard student asked Warren, will you not get Hillary-ed?
Ah yes ... Hillary-ed. That new word in U.S. political lexicon meaning to take an over-65 female policy wonk with a killer resume and toss her in the Trumped-up meat grinder of locker-room taunting, street-corner misogyny and howling mobs chanting Lock her up! or doing Cherokee war whoops while their other hand is grabbing the Electoral College. In 2020, a Groundhogs Day that would surely foretell four more years of bleak Trumpian winter.
Warren the bespectacled bankruptcy prof turned progressive icon tackled that question the same way she tackled every other issue: With practiced persistence. She cast herself as the underdog when shed challenged GOP Cosmo pin-up Sen. Scott Brown in 2012, but said she was bucked up by the young girls she met on the campaign trail the ones she pinky-sweared with and told she was running for the Senate because thats what girls do.
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