DU4 Bug Reports
Related: About this forumBug: Recommend button issues on mobile
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the DU4 Bug Reports forum).
There is a problem with the recommend and other buttons on an iPhone.
If the phone is held the "normal" way, so the page is viewed from the top of the phone, the Rec button is missing. If the phone is rotated, the Rec button and number appear on top of the post text.
Also, when the phone is held the "normal" way, the "Info" button is indented, and trash is off the screen. Bookmark rolls to a new line.
This is all in Skinner mode. Let me know if you have questions. I can email screenshots if it helps.

(22,741 posts)Yes, please email them to me. Thanks.
Renew Deal
(83,602 posts)The issue still exists.
(22,741 posts)Sorry -- I realized I asked you to email these to me previously, then when you did today I asked you to post them in the forum. I got my wires crossed, my apologies.
Anyway -- I received the screenshots and see the issue -- working on it at the moment. Hopefully will have this sorted out soon.
Renew Deal
(83,602 posts)EarlG
(22,741 posts)How do they look to you now?
Working on the Rec button next.
(FYI, there are still quite a lot of fixes to be done to Skinner mode since I've been mostly focused on default mode, so if you're using Skinner mode this is a good time for me to get feedback on what's still broken.)
(22,741 posts)Info/Bookmarks/Trash buttons should be in the correct position on iPhone Mini.
Rec button should now be showing on Skinner Mode mobile.
Notes button should work correctly (when open, Rec button will push below Note area).
Landscape mode should look okay now.
Please let me know if any of that still looks busted, thanks.
Renew Deal
(83,602 posts)The good news is Rec and Notes look good.
The bad new is that Info is now tucked under Bookmark. This is in both landscape and portrait. I can see a sliver of info and it opens if I touch the sliver. I dont see trash at all.
Also, in Landscape, the top right corner of the post says Reply by Renew Deal. When that appears, the grey backgrounds combine and it pushes the date down a line.
I also notice when posting this reply that the preview and post buttons are not perfectly aligned. Post is slightly indented. Both buttons are as long as the screen. The indentation doesnt exist in portrait.
Thanks for looking into this stuff.
(22,741 posts)Ill have another look at this and see what I can do. I think I just need to shrink those buttons down just a little more.
(26,505 posts)Is this a known issue?
(22,741 posts)It's an iPhone 13 mini held in landscape mode. For some reason Renew Deal is seeing the "tablet" CSS even though the device should be displaying the "mobile" CSS. My iPhone 12 is showing the mobile CSS in landscape orientation, and that's bigger than an iPhone 13 mini, so Renew Deal should see the mobile CSS too. It's a bit of a head-scratcher.
FWIW I'm working on fixes for this specifically in Default Mode. Renew Deal has had some layout issues in Skinner Mode and Night Mode as well, but those are separate issues -- I think those are to do with the fact that I didn't design quite small enough for a screen as small as an iPhone mini. Individual tweaks should take care of those.
Edited to add: I'm getting a bit mixed up about what thread I'm in, so to clarify, Renew Deal has two types of issue:
1) When he turns his phone to landscape orientation, he's getting the tablet CSS (which displays the left column, among other things) but he should be getting the mobile CSS (and I'm not sure why he isn't).
2) He's also having issues on various pages with buttons and other screen elements appearing out of place (variously, in Default Mode, Skinner Mode, and Night Mode). I believe that's because his screen size is smaller than the smallest size that I considered when creating these layouts, so some buttons are a bit too wide and push each other off the screen or into funky positions. Those I should be able to deal with on a case-by-case basis.
(26,505 posts)Sent you an email of the screen shot.
Will try and load it up on my work phone which is an iPhone 11 in the next day or so.
Small suggestion - would it be better to have a generic testing email? ex: du4test@democraticunderground.com (?)
(22,741 posts)I wrote back cuz I wasn't sure about what you meant in the subject line about the sub folders, but aside from that, what you're seeing is correct -- you're getting the mobile layout when the phone is in landscape orientation. That's what is supposed to happen.
Renew Deal is somehow getting the tablet layout. It would make sense if he had a bigger phone than either of us -- it would just mean that I would likely need to bump up the width at which the media query tells the CSS to switch from tablet to mobile. But his phone is smaller than either of ours. If our phones are showing the mobile layout, his *definitely* should.