Liberal YouTubers
Related: About this forumRVN VET71
(2,803 posts)He lies freely, openly, and convincingly. He is a man -- sort of --who equates birth control and abortion with murder, who thinks calling the entire population of an American island "garbage" is fine and dandy because, hey, it was a joke, right?
Here's the thing: he's coming for women now -- not to assault them, like his boss does, but as objects that need to be disciplined by the State, shackled to their homes by the State, inspected physically by the State. (Physically? Well how else can you expect the State to know what they've been up to, you know, "down there"?)
So, no, I'm not surprised that he would promote laws making it perfectly legal for States to pull over to the curb any car that seemed to be heading to the border with women/girls in it. Once he and his fascists swine have secured the borders from fleeing women, the next logical step will to be roadside gynecological check-stations manned (!) by leering Vaginal Police.
Yet real women are going to vote for this perverted putz and the big, fat, physically and mentally unhealthy boss he works for.
... or whatever his name is this week, is a psychopath. He has no conscience, and he is devoid of empathy. For all intents and purposes, he has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Unless, of course, the "garbage" that support him, and the worthless scumbag at the top of the ticket, consider his malicious bigotry an admirable feature, and not a despicable bug. Which is highly likely, given the mountains of irrefutable evidence of their own malicious bigotry.
Christ on a pogo stick, I despise these people.
(11,030 posts)Taking 'free will' from women makes them 'property of the state', ie: slaves or 'captive breeders'. Barbaric.