Liberal YouTubers
Related: About this forumTrump Gets NIGHTMARE NEWS in Georgia...USA Next!!
MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the protests in Georgia and why this could foreshadow doom for Donald Trump.

(3,544 posts)I wish half this shit was true....
(3,076 posts)bucolic_frolic
(48,966 posts)I guess they sense opportunity to be the final standing left of center news source.
But I doubt Americans, most of them, have any idea what's going on in Georgia the country let alone try to parlay it into protests here. Now if you can link it to the price of eggs, that might get some eyeballs.
Kid Berwyn
(19,337 posts)It is Dimdonnie's worst nightmare, being held to account for his evil.
Thank you, Judi Lynn, for showing us there is real hope for Democracy and Justice.
(3,076 posts)cstanleytech
(27,430 posts)burrowowl
(18,135 posts)SCantiGOP
(14,370 posts)Clickbait from these folks is getting comical.
Justice matters.
(7,991 posts)because the stupid putin-wet-dream of 100% tariffs on everything (because billionaires want more tax cuts and their republican puppets want to raise them on the poor).
Just wait... it's coming.
(72,171 posts)considering the news landscape, it doesnt bother me at all. we shd b supporting ppl like mtn.
(284 posts)Dem4life1234
(2,491 posts)The only media I will watch.
Good for the Georgian people.
Some comments in here are gross, I have no idea why there is a weird attitude towards the far Left, hell the Left in general on a site called Democratic Underground. You don't see Freepers putting down their Rightists.
(2,728 posts)tried in Ukraine that eventually led to this 10 year and counting hot war there. Ben's trying to make those important points to the US citizens who are "Social Media News Clip" informed (unfortunately the majority now). I make fun of MTN clip headlines myself but usually hidden inside are decent left leaning reports almost always backed up with facts. I really like Mockler because its a viewpoint from the youngest of voters many ignore. Unfortunately in the society we live in today you have to yell the loudest, have the biggest sign or sometimes a crazy sounding title to your clip that will trigger social media algorithms to get attention to your work.